More drops for 2v2. (Full Version)

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racing.lo.mas -> More drops for 2v2. (10/27/2018 1:33:56)

Well it takes a lot to find a 2v2 battle and also the battle takes a lot too. Thats why most of people preffer 1v1. In 1v1 you find a battle in seconds, it can last around 2 mins and it only depends on your hability. 2v2: takes a few minutes to find a game, battles take 5 to 7 8 mins, and you depends on your partner, on how your builds fix, how your opponents' builds fix, etc. This mode is quite complex. That's why those modes are quite unbalanced at the time to win influence for you, for your faction, leadearboard, etc.
When a rally came everybody moves to 1v1, you can get super bombs every 3 mins (with a war commander). Its way easier and faster.
I know 2v2 has a bigger % of drop, but that is not enough and we all know it. While one player is getting 1 win in 2v2 another player is getting 4 or 5 matches in 1v1.

So, I'll suggest to bring more dropps for 2v2, instead of being able to get 1 drop, you'll be also able to get 2 drops. I mean you could receive: nothing, normal x1, normal x2, super x1, super x2; or normal and super x1.

War commander would guarantee 1 drop normal with a 30% of getting 2 normals, and the same for war rally but super instead of normal.

This would also make lovers of 2v2 come back to it.

Mother1 -> RE: More drops for 2v2. (10/27/2018 8:30:56)

Even if this was put into play people would still flock to 1 vs 1 and Juggernaut. Why?

Because 1 vs 1 as you pointed out is a lot faster and can be won in times under a minute depending on skill and Juggernaut while it takes a little more time than 1 vs 1 is basically an almost grantee win which many people love especially during war rallies.

While I love 2 vs 2 more than the other modes, for the same reasons you pointed out along with others (Underdog punishing high ranked players even with the changes made to it) as well as the low player pool most avoid this battle mode especially when time is of the essence.

So while I do support the idea of making two vs two have increased drop rates until something is done to either

(A) speed up the wait times for 2 vs 2


(B) Make the other battle modes less appealing.

I honestly doubt a lot of people would come back even with this.

racing.lo.mas -> RE: More drops for 2v2. (10/27/2018 16:04:59)

You are completely right.

I know this is a small buff, and also I know people would still go for jugg or 1v1 in rallies. However, this will give a small buff to people who enjoy playing 2v2, they will be able to take advantage of it while there isn't a war rally.

About your 2 options mentioned:
Well, you want to make the other modes "less appealing". If we are talking about war, we must modify the way of getting influence. There are 2 facts for this: drop % and speed of battles.
If we reduce even more the drop percentage, it will bring many issues. Wars would be longer, since most players goes for 1v1. Second it would indirectly buff war commanders. Players with credits will spam war commanders while poor players won't be able. It will make a difference between players with credits and poor players. In fact, this would bring more problems than solutions.
About time battles:
Time finding a match: It obviously can't be changed. It must always be the lowest time posible, in other way, people would get tired of waiting and just leave.
Time per battle: I am not really sure about this, but if you make battle longer between 2 players, it will also make battle longers between 4 players.

The best way to help 2v2 is making it better and not nerfing the other modes. My suggestion tries to bring a small buff to 2v2. Also you could give more credits and experience, I would also increase it exaggeratedly to a big ammount. If players see that they can get a bigger ammount of credits and experience they might come back to 2v2. As soon as base players in 2v2 increase, they can do a small nerf to those prices. That's what most of games do, when something is really unappreciated, they bring a really big buff, making it almost broken. As soon as everybody is using it, they bring a calculated nerf.

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