Nerf Stats passives (Full Version)

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racing.lo.mas -> Nerf Stats passives (11/11/2018 9:45:39)

Well not much to say, Eternal enhance + 6 dexterity + 6 support + 6 strength + underdog is broken.

Just see this example, with all those passives he has +36 stats. Someone without those passives will be in a BIG dissadvantage. Moreover, this make the other passives useless, why would I want stun/critical/block chances which work effectively only once every many battles when I could have +30 stats increasing all my different skills, defense and luck chances (critical, block, deflection).
I said eternal enhance didn't need a buff, it got buffed and also the other stat passives were buffed too making this combo really broken. It get even stronger with +8 cores.

Here a comparation:
Without passives and with passives .

See how big is that difference. Defense increase almost 30 and this mean after 5 physical attacks you are ignoring 150 damage. Strenght increased 18 damage which means 90 more damage in 5 attacks.
The problem is not giving a small buff, it wouldn't be a problem if it gave +15 aux damage. The problem is that it increase many things at the same time +9 support (eternal and +6) is like + critical chance by 2% (idk how much it could be) + 20 aux damage + ? multy damage (mercenaries)

NDB -> RE: Nerf Stats passives (11/11/2018 10:45:30)

I don’t disagree that the cores are really really good, but it seems to me that they have already decided that they are not going to nerf them, hence the buffs to all the other passive cores on Friday.

racing.lo.mas -> RE: Nerf Stats passives (11/11/2018 11:09:56)

They buffed them but if they see they are broken then they can nerf them back, just a bit, Im not asking about makaing them trash.
That's what happened with supercharge and massacre, they buffed them since they weren't too strong. They made them too broken so they nerfed them back.

dfo99 -> RE: Nerf Stats passives (11/19/2018 20:19:37)

i rather the buff of all the other passives, actually the aim strike is far better than +6 passive for example.

Romaian Master -> RE: Nerf Stats passives (11/20/2018 1:13:52)

I say buff the other passive cores such as the Eternal protection.

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