Buff Static Smash (Full Version)

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racing.lo.mas -> Buff Static Smash (11/11/2018 15:10:11)

Mercenaries have good skills but they have a high cost and due to their low energy control they can not use all their potential.

In the actually state if you buff the conversation, the opponent lose more energy and the mercenary also get more energy. A good buff might make it broken, i mean it can reduce objetive energy and make merc gain a lot of energy. So ill suggest a similiar system where only gets buffed mercenary abstortion.

Energy conversion is always 26% primary damage:
Maul: 91

From the energy drained you gain:
Level 1: 180%
Level 2: 190%
Level 3: 200%
Level 4: 210%
Level 5: 220%
Level 6: 230%
Level 7: 240%
Level 8: 250%
Level 9: 260%
Level 10: 270%

Increase 1% every 4 strength.

It will always reduce targets energy by a small ammount of energy, even less than assimilitation.However, they will get a good energy.
Drain % might seem quite high and with a big escale, but they aren't ass high and unbalanced as they see. Remember those percent are based on 108 or 105 energy.
The lowest energy gained would be level 1 with maul: 164. Biggest energy gained level 10 with sword: 254. This calculated with base drain %.
You might say 254 is a lot but remember you are drainig just a bit energy. Right now this skill at level max drains ang gain 195 energy. You would win 254 energy but would only drain just 94.

A strength build with maul (lets say 100 strength) would have 295% gain of energy what would be 269. This might revive strength mercenary since all mercenary skills are too expensive talking about energy. Level max Berzerker 410, double strike 225 and maul 210. Really expensive too be honest, this energy drained would only be enough to use one of them.

NDB -> RE: Buff Static Smash (11/11/2018 17:51:36)

First off, this would make the skill a lot, lot worse in terms of net drain and gain. Check your numbers again.

Second, Berzerker, Maul, and Double Strike are actually quite low in Energy cost compared to other skills.

Third, because Static Smash improves with Strength, Strength Mercs actually have the best energy control of any build/class in the entire game. Currently, with 120 Strength, you drain 322 and gain 322 using a club.

If you want to buff Strength Mercs, or just Mercs in general, I'd recommend you tampering with something else.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Buff Static Smash (11/11/2018 19:47:10)

I don’t support this because BM would lose even worse than it already does.

racing.lo.mas -> RE: Buff Static Smash (11/11/2018 22:10:16)

Alright, I thought I was right with numbers, I haven't used merc for a long time that I don't remember. My idea was to allow merc to gain a big ammount of energy but without affecting in big terms the target's energy. IMO merc is not as strong because of its bad energy control, but well I can be wrong, I won't say im right.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Buff Static Smash (11/11/2018 22:43:01)

What’s keeping a lot of builds not used is the broken ch mass builds

Xendran -> RE: Buff Static Smash (11/12/2018 18:14:10)

CH Mass isn't broken, it's just not being played against very well.

I'm Rank 4, and my blood mage build was consistently beating Alexey with manual challenge (no underdog bonuses) and second turn.
People aren't using skills that are surprisingly good, and not planning their builds around what their enemies are actually going to do.

BM, BH, TLM and CH all feel relatively similar in strength.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Buff Static Smash (11/12/2018 18:16:54)

It’s pretty broken, you can say whatever though. You gotta use a tech build to beat them or go bh with Karth

Xendran -> RE: Buff Static Smash (11/12/2018 18:27:20)

Shields, Intimidate, Mark of Blood, and harassing their energy pool also works quite well.
They have literally no good way of sustaining physical damage, and they have very low defences. Exploit these things and build accordingly.
Karth is never necessary, but it is super busted and can turn lots of matchups into free wins.

Changing builds to get ahead of the meta is how competitive games work. If you need to beat CH, but also not lose to kartherax since it's one of the ways other people are dealing with CH, then make a build that fits those criteria.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Buff Static Smash (11/12/2018 18:48:03)

You take away kartherax on like any non tech build, you’re dead to ch mass.

Maybe a few exceptions, but that’s the general.

NDB -> RE: Buff Static Smash (11/13/2018 10:06:56)


Play at least 1,000 more battles using a variety of classes/builds against different variants of the CH build, then play as the CH for 500 more battles, and you'll get a better perspective. If you already have, then my apologies. But if you haven't, I'd steer away from making such bold claims about the meta.

Also, the point Ginger was making wasn't that they aren't beatable or necessarily have an extreme win rate. That's not what I think of as "broken". I think of "broken" as something that becomes too extreme from battle to battle, very easily; that is a high standard deviation in power. A more extreme example of this is having a skill that, when used, gives you a 60% chance of doing 10,000 damage to the opponent and a 40% chance of killing yourself. Your overall win rate will always be 60%, which isn't particularly high at all, but I think we can all agree that the skill is "broken".

But regardless of how you define "broken", the fact is, too many builds that would have been reasonably competitive are not anymore because they have no statistical way of winning against CH. This means that none of the hundreds of possible combination and order of moves will give then a reasonable chance of winning against the CH when using that particular build. I think of reasonable as being at least around a 20-25% chance of winning. Yes, we can spend all day trying to think of strategies than can beat them without the use of Kartherax, but that's besides the point.

Xendran -> RE: Buff Static Smash (11/13/2018 17:13:28)

People aren't entitled to win with any build even if it's bad or poorly teched against the meta.
Any build that puts a reasonable amount of investment into energy defenses while maintaining good damage output and energy efficiency can beat CH Mass.
If you stop the massacre from killing you, the cyber hunter has literally no good way of dealing physical damage to you. Builds with no statistical way of beating CH are either ones that don't have enough resistance considering the field they're facing, or are burning too much energy on inefficiently levelled skills.

Massacre itself feels broken because it's the only good burst damage that doesn't require investment You just aren't used to getting hit for that much damage, but the cost of this is that they dump a bunch of stat points into energy. They cripple their build in every other way in order to go all-in on massacre. If you can deal with massacre in literally any way, you're suddenly fighting one of the weakest builds. People are also choosing not to use things that can save them. In particular, Intimidate and Concussive Shot are far stronger than most players seem to think.

Not every build is entitled to be good at a given time. Use one of the number of builds that beat CH Mass. Every good class has a build that can beat CH Mass while also being an overall good build. As more and more people do this, is this counter style now a "broken" build because everyone is using it, and mass builds have less than a 20% chance of winning against it even without Kartherax bot?

Also, something to note: 60% is a high winrate in any other game. EpicDuel only has it as a low winrate because of extremely unfair matchmaking, and huge gaps in the power level of equipment that is not available to all players. 65% is considered a top-tier win rate in any other turn based competitive scene with similarly skilled (or averaged over time) participants, 70%+ is basically unheard of.

It took me literally one day after returning from a 7 year hiatus to counter this "broken" build.
If you want to play "your" build instead of one that is suited to the meta, the cost you pay for that is a lower winrate.

TL;DR: If you can't beat a build that only does energy damage, consider protecting yourself from energy damage.


Re: Static Smash: I honestly think smash, and the merc class, is at a state where you could just adjust the numbers a little bit and tack an 85% strike onto it (primarily for the rage gain).

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