Game State (Full Version)

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HitorMiss -> Game State (11/13/2018 5:59:48)

Currently, I feel the game is dead and there is too much of an emphasis on getting money. As a supporter of Artix games having spent money on the game before I can comfortably say the reason I spend money is not for an unfair advantage over my opponents. A counter-argument to this may be "Well you can reach that point if you play enough" but the amount of grinding required doesn't justify the cost, meanwhile you're getting outclassed by P2W players.

I think its time for a redesign. I never saw much of an issue with alpha/beta epic duel. it was much more fun to play even when losing. The only problem was economy/grinding and again, p2w. If you need help designing something new I'd be interested in helping but as it stands I don't feel like there's much of an emphasis on creating a fun player experience since the game has been stuck in this state for years.

Digital X -> RE: Game State (11/13/2018 9:17:54)

I am locking this thread since it falls under Financial Discussion, which is not permitted as per the =ED= EpicDuel Discussion Forum Rules. Please make sure you have read the rules to see what is not permitted. Please do not create such a topic again on Financial Discussions.


No "Financial" Discussions
Artix Entertainment appreciates every player, no matter how much he or she has spent on the game. Demeaning players because they have not upgraded, or vice versa, will not be permitted in any form. Since such discussions tend to devolve into flaming, we will no longer permit users to create threads about any sort of financial status. That means no Varium vs Non-Varium threads, no Free Player vs Paying Player threads, no threads about the unfairness of Varium prices, and so on. Anything related to finances will not be allowed. If you are unsure if the topic would be acceptable or not, ask the head moderator for permission before creating it.

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