Ebony Sepulchure Form (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Ebony Sepulchure Form (11/21/2018 11:57:18)

Ebony Sepulchure Form

«Neutral Darkness armour. Mastercraft; has a Darkness skill that can turn the enemy undead.»

Location: Z-Token Item Shop
Element: Darkness
Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
Level	29	59	83	103	123	143
PowLvl	54 MC	73 MC	93 MC	113 MC	133 MC	153 MC

Price	690	1440	2320	3290	4480	5940
S <48h	621	1296	2088	2961	4032	5346
  >48h	172	360	580	822	1120	1485
Melee	31	33	37	39	42	45
Ranged	31	33	37	39	42	45
Magic	31	33	37	39	42	45
Fire	77	77	76	76	71	68
Water	75	67	61	53	48	44
Ice	77	77	76	76	71	68
Wind	86	86	86	86	84	82
Earth 	75	67	61	53	48	44
Energy	86	86	86	86	84	82
Light 	100	100	97	97	95	90
Dark	71	62	55	48	43	39
Hits: 1
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	174.67	212.67	252.67	292.67	332.67	372.67
Stat%	304.27	387.87	475.87	563.87	651.87	739.87
BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	174.67	212.67	252.67	292.67	332.67	372.67
Stat%	304.27	387.87	475.87	563.87	651.87	739.87
BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19
Rate: 50%

SKILL - Necrotizing Command*
Hits: 1
Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4} ; Magic otherwise
Element: Darkness
Damage	31-93	50-151	70-210	93-279	118-355	144-433
Stat%	304.63	440.5	555.07	673.89	788.26	894.65
BTH	23	28	33	38	43	48

Magic	130	190	255	324	399	481
Ranged	104	152	204	259	319	38
If the skill connects and deals >0 damage, then the monster is tagged as an undead. The monster can resist†† with 2 saves at a -20 penalty.
    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: VStat vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: VStat vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
Level	29	59	83	103	123	143

VStat	125	165	200	200	200	200
If the monster is already an undead, deals the following amount of damage instead.
Damage	68-200	108-325	151-453	201-601	254-765	311-934
Stat%	657.05	950.09	1197.21	1453.49	1700.17	1929.64
BTH	23	28	33	38	43	48
NOTE: This is treated as a normal player attack, but doesn't apply effects from your weapon, your weapon special can't occur and gets the same stat bonuses as a skill. You can't use the skill if you don't have the listed SP cost for the Ranged (SP-Ran) or the Magic (SP-Mag) attack**.

  • You receive Armour Lean x1.

    **Blast and corrupt your foe with your dark power, and shroud them in an aura of undeath - making them vulnerable to other powers! This fearsome ablility costs «» SP.
    **You need «» SP to call forth that power!
    *Your opponent screeches as you curse it with an aura of undeath!
    ††Your opponent resists the curse!

    Equip yourself in the armament of the dread ShadowScythe emperor, Sepulchure! You'll gain the ability to call forth terrifying powers that can turn your foe undead for the battle!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image thanks to Yozai. Description and pop ups thanks to Necromencer. Write up thanks to AliceShiki.


    Starts off as a standard armour attack:
    Level	29	59	83	103	123	143
    PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
    BR%	262	319	379	439	499	559
    Stat%	456.4	581.8	713.8	845.8	977.8	1109.8
    BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Both attacks deal /1.5 damage per hit.

    Necrotizing Command starts off as a standard skill:
    Damage	47-139	66-199	90-270	117-350	146-440	179-537
    Stat%	456	582	714	846	978	1110
    BTH	13	18	23	28	33	38
    EleComp	1.46401	1.65865	1.70367	1.74563	1.76630	1.76630
    Damage is multiplied by the listed EleComp. It gains a +10 BTH, but deals *85/95 damage. The skill deals 51% damage to turn the enemy undead, or 110% damage instead if the enemy is already undead.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    August 28, 2014: The armour was released.
    June 15, 2017: Z-Token prices changed. Old prices were:
    Level	29	59	83	103	123	143
    Price	1155	3025	7535	9240	11330	13860
    S <48h	1039	2722	6781	8316	10197	12474
      >48h	577	1512	3767	4620	5665	6930

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