Underdog Mode (Full Version)

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.Lord Ginger. -> Underdog Mode (11/21/2018 20:26:42)

Underdog mode got increased to 10% per level of underdog up from 5, which makes higher ranks hardly ever go first against anyone a lower rank.


A rank 30 str TM can basically have all the stats they need to be a "fully" good fighter, really, while I need to spend all my points to make my focus build balanced.

Strength builds can win going 2nd and they mostly go second, problem comes when a strength comes in rank 30 with 17 support and goes before my 45+14...

And what can I do?

Nothing really. Pray for luck I guess. It's really stupid.

The underdog first turn chance needs to go.

If I want to do a build with support, like maybe 45+35, I better be a low rank to do it, because someone with 45+14 support will still go first, so I might as well put those points into defense or something.

I can't try a support mass build unless I want to go 2nd to every support mass CH out there, and we all know how those battles play out, first turn with CH mass wins unless some crazy luck.

We lose the amount of builds we can use as a high ranker, and this sucks.

I go second to a 17+14 support tech mage, and the first turn can really make a difference, especially against these builds.

Some people can say that the damage gets balanced over time, but honestly the first turn changes the whole dynamic of the match. The first turn usually dictates who heals first, who gets rage first, and a whole lot of other things. So even if ranks should, "make up the difference," they don't always, especially not with strength builds or support builds.

I can tell you right now that I didn't have a chance against that str TM because their sword hit 300 on me (it actually did), and since I went second I was on defense the whole time and I actually had 0 chance to win that battle which was pretty stupid.

Imagine being a rank 80 and you consistently lose to a build only because they get the first turn when they literally have 45 less support.

I mean, I don't really want ranks to go, I like the advantage I'd normally get.

But seriously, something needs to be done. Keep underdog for levels - 38,39 get underdog on a 40 or whatever, but not the first turn chance a rank 79 gets on a rank 80. I mean seriously, how fair is it for someone to go first 60% of the time to my 40% when they have 1 less rank and win more because of it?

I'd rather ranks be nerfed and put the stats we'd normally have on NPC armor and NPC crusher so we can still beat legendary NPCs the same way we normally would.

I can't play a build a rank 30 would have because a rank 30 with the same support as me goes first to me 8/10 times, and that's 8/10 losses I'd get if I was a strength/support build.

Ranks determine what build I need to use if I want to win.

It has to be tank something. Whether it's 5 foc or a tech build, has to be one of those if I want to ensure the highest win % for me

Xendran -> RE: Underdog Mode (11/21/2018 21:17:34)

Ranks are the most impactful thing that has caused this game to be unable to stop being dead.

Unless the system is compensated for in a way that literally negates the existence of it: Two equally skilled players with equally good builds will result in either the ranked player or underdog winning every single time, outside of streaky RNG.

This means either veterans will want to stop playing, as they can't beat people on fresh level 40 accounts, or new players will not join becuase they can't compete (Especially combined with the inability to access the majority of the skills in the game).

There's no way to fix legend ranks without either discouraging an entire section of the game population from playing, outside of literally negating the system to the point of doing nothing (at which point, why not just delete the system and compensate players, just like they did with Enhancements, which are literally the same concept as ranks).

Why are enhancements not okay but a system that's borderline identical to it is?

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