Xendran -> RE: Legendary Boss Scaling for Impossible Boss. (11/23/2018 22:00:06)
Leo, i'm rank 5. I no longer have elite things that other players can't have, and I'm missing a lot of the pay2win exclusive cores that provide objective advantages over the players who don't have them. I haven't killed or even attempted a single legendary boss. And yet, I don't want it changed because I know this content is not made for me, it's made for people who still play actively enough to be a high rank, and have the resources to try different classes and builds. If i want to go beat legendary bosses, I will work for it instead of asking that it be nerfed. I have a lot of concern for low level players in terms of PvP, but endgame PvE superbosses are not made to be beaten by low level players, or even the majority of level capped players.