Legendary system (Full Version)

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racing.lo.mas -> Legendary system (1/7/2019 19:48:24)

I believe spending legendary points doesn't have anything about estrategy/being smart. It's like you are trying to full everything. You don't chose which one fit better with your build because you will just full every attribute when you get the max rank.

In my opinion this system should change. Players should have a limit of points and shouldn't be able to max all attributes. Now we have 10 attributes with 10 levels each one. You spend 100 points and you get everything full. I would put a limit of 50 points (you can only max 5 of them). In this way you choose which is better for you instead of adding points on everything. I would also add some more restrictions in order to prevent players spamming only 5 attributes. For example now every level for each attribute needs only 1 point. I mean, you invest 1 point in 1 attribute and you get the bonus. So I would suggest if you want to get a attribute in level max it would cost 3 points and for level 9 it would cost 2 points as well.

In this way players would have to be a bit smarter to use those points. It would also nerf ranks since we have a lower rank limit. Instead of rank 100 it would be rank 50.

If this is implemented, then more kind of attributes could be added since players won't be able to max every attribute at the same time. You can add for example, increased energy by.. Increased skill damage by... etc

Mother1 -> RE: Legendary system (1/8/2019 15:03:13)

On another note the cheevo that is attached to ranks would need to be changed as well if this went into play. Remember the legendary cheevo goes up to rank 200 and if this happened it would be impossible for anyone to get that max out cheevo if they were going for it.

Not saying I support of don't support this idea but just had to throw that out there.


This would also indirectly buff Legendary bosses since you are basically cutting half of the ranks out and no offense to this idea but those guys don't need anymore indirect buffs.

racing.lo.mas -> RE: Legendary system (1/8/2019 17:28:00)

Mm wrong. Right now your rank increases with no limits and at the same time you increase your achievement. When you finally reach rank 100 you can't invest any point (I don't have max rank so I don't know if you keep getting points or not) but you can still rank up. With my suggestion I am allowing players to keep ranking up but the points limit will be reduced to 50. You can keep ranking up over rank 50 but you won't get more points.

The only bad thing I see about this is that the rank limit would be at rank 50 and it would be easier to get there. Maybe 1 point ever 2 ranks to make it as hard as it is right now (best rank at 100).

Yup, you are right here. I said before in this way you could create more attribute. A solution would be to make a good attribute against bosses like one which gives +10 defense/resistance against bosses (+10 per level) or any buff like that which could replace the attributes lost. Or you could just allow all players (even if they don't have max rank) to have all attributes fulled against bosses.

NDB -> RE: Legendary system (1/9/2019 15:05:56)

I think this is a great idea. You explained it really well. It would help solve part of the issue with the high rank disadvantage. Right now how much you benefit depends completely on build with focus benefiting the most and builds like strength and caster benefiting the least. By forcing people to choose only half of the attributes to max, it makes it a lot more fair and also adds more depth to the system in terms of strategy.

New attributes like extra health or energy at the start of the battle, increased skill damage, decreased energy of skills, or faster Rage gain would be interesting. It would almost sort of be like bringing back passives.

I agree that making the rank cap 50 seems low, but I doubt they would ever make it so you only get a point every two ranks. It's been suggested a lot already, but I'd much rather just see a Rank 100 and Rank 200 Legendary shop be opened with some neat gear.

As for bosses, none require you to be any higher than Rank 50 that I know of. NPC Armor, Defense, Resistance, and Medical Mastery only require Rank 40. The rest are useless for any class except Tactical Mercenary, which benefits a tiny bit from NPC Crusher and Primary Damage for Frenzy. The only boss that might be too hard without them is Titan, but it would dfinitely still be possible. But, yeah, overall this shouldn't be a really big issue at all. Legendary bosses get indirectly buffed and nerfed all the time due to balance changes already.

racing.lo.mas -> RE: Legendary system (1/9/2019 18:20:25)

That's true. You only need rank 40 then the rest is just for beating him faster since all of them give damage. Maybe high ranks would feel a bit nerfed against bosses but it can be fixed with any other new attribute. It can be fixed with anything like +20 damage againts bosses.

If you dont want to change the system where you get 1 point every 1 rank then you can let it stay like that and change the attributes. It's simple. The points cap will be 100, you can only invest 100 points (this mean you can invest the double I suggested) so.. then you have to double the attribute, intead of 10 levels for everyone you can make them up to 20 levels. Then you just cut the bonus the give.
For example, we got now increase primary damage by 3 (10 tiers). You can change it to 'increase primary damage by 1,5' (20 tiers).

I would also suggest to implement a new passive bar were legendary passives are shown. It might strange if someone has a better heal or more primary damage when you have the same strength

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