racing.lo.mas -> RE: Daily quest system (1/15/2019 13:36:53)
Of course new missions should be added, but you are going a bit far. 100 wins has nothing of daily. Not everybody has time to do 100 wins per day. Some days ago I played 3 hours after reset, I end up first in 1v1 with 45 wins. For doing 100 wins you must play 6/7 hours. And as I said, not everyone can play that much. Same for the first tier mission you suggested. 5+10+15+20+25 = 75 wins. That' would take a lot to complete. 1 token per mission doesn't seems enough. Maybe 1 token for the first 15 wins (2 tiers) are fine, but for the following tiers 1 token is not enough. You have to be playing several hours to end.