RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (Full Version)

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ruleandrew -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (6/7/2019 4:43:56)

Current (2019) player formula
Player HP = [23.8 * ((5.25 + 0.5625 * Level + 0.00375 * Level^2) + (1 + 0.066 * Level) * END/16) * 1/1.4]
Player Max SP = [2.25 * (38.1 + 2.3375 * MPLevel + 0.01125 * MPLevel^2)]
Player SP Regeneration = [0.15 * (38.1 + 2.3375 * MPLevel + 0.01125 * MPLevel^2)]

HP:SP ratio
Should this ratio be fixed at 2.05 (all levels) [very high workload work] or fix the miscs that offer hp to sp conversion [low workload]?.

Overlevel penalty is a must for hp to sp conversion miscs.


Change for 27/2/2020: fix hp amount (multiply hp amount by 1/1.4)

Primate Murder -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (7/15/2019 23:42:48)

Can we have an update regarding the ETA of the project? Will the changes start rolling in this month, next month or is it delayed until autumn?

Please and thank you.

blex12345 -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (9/26/2019 2:25:11)

Yes, it would be good to get an indication of when this is planned? Currently kind of in limbo with 250 stats. Would very much love to move points from DEX.

Kaizoku -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (9/26/2019 3:24:46)

Yeah, would be fun to know. This stat cap update just deleted one stat from my build, having been a 200 STR/DEX/CHA with 150 LUK before...

Kilvakar -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (10/1/2019 18:22:38)

Yeah, it's rather sad that a lot of hybrid builds (beast mage in my case) are dead while we wait for the update. I still check in regularly to see what's going on, but tbh I'm kind of reluctant to switch to a poe mage while I wait to find out if my current build is going to be made viable again or not, so I haven't had as much fun playing as of late...

Phlox Lover -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (10/4/2019 6:32:40)


Yeah, it's rather sad that a lot of hybrid builds (beast mage in my case) are dead while we wait for the update. I still check in regularly to see what's going on, but tbh I'm kind of reluctant to switch to a poe mage while I wait to find out if my current build is going to be made viable again or not, so I haven't had as much fun playing as of late...

Lmao welcome to the club xD Literally a few days before the cap raise I converted my poe mage to a BM mage and my warrior to some sort of tank hybrid thing and I have greatly suffered as a result.[&:]

sunblaze -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (10/10/2019 19:52:52)

Believe me you are not alone.
I was unable to defeat ANY of the bosses in the burning solstice since I do not have any time to change builds or study fights for hours.
Also I refuse to be a 1-2 round blast monster that uses 3 buffs + resets and more buffs and then complain: "the enemies die during the first round and are too weak/boring".
So it is kinda my fault for being against the current 5X2 round-blast meta. Please any progress on the stats would be greatly appreciated.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (1/4/2020 19:40:41)

4/18/2019 17:04:02

Update on my status: I've cleared a big milestone for my degree but will probably be swamped with classes until mid-June as suspected. If I can get ahead on some things, work may continue earlier.

Kaelin, what are you doing?
Better late than never? "Happy New Year 2020". [:)]

Oh, it's almost 9 months ago, any progress on DEX?

11/21/2019 18:13:33

ORIGINAL: The Hollow

General Updates:
  • Daily Xp and Gold caps have been permanently raised by 50%

  • Would you able to update the Daily Caps (Post Sweep) since the Daily Xp and Gold caps have been permanently raised by 50%?

    ruleandrew -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (1/5/2020 2:26:56)

    Review hp (health points) formula, mp (magic points) formula and sp (skill points) formula prior to fixing items that provide conversions.

    Current conversions (January 2020) are broken (the types that involve hp).

    hp:mp; mp:sp and sp:hp

    Kilvakar -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (1/23/2020 18:20:52)

    Don't want to be overly annoying, but I was just curious to see if anyone's heard about any potential progress on stat re-balancing? It's been quite a long time with no word on if and/or when anything's going to be done.

    Zennistrad -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (3/7/2020 10:20:10)


    * DEX Accuracy: The amount of secondary accuracy all attacks get from VStat DEX. This is set to 0%, and I hope we can keep it this way.

    I'm curious — will this have any affect on "hybrid" stats used in the Werepyre armors or the Werepyre blades, which essentially substitute DEX for INT?

    Kilvakar -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (4/3/2020 18:16:04)

    It's been over a year since the stat balance project was announced. I know that things have happened since then, but it would be very nice to know if this is ever going to get fixed.

    Shiba -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (4/4/2020 5:14:12)

    Would like to hear if progress is made, too.

    demonspawn -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (4/7/2020 23:58:40)

    After reading through the post I thought I would add my opinions - I freely admit the following rough as the math behind the scenes is a bit to advanced for me to follow easily but I do get the general idea of whats being shown - my opinions are likely highly unbalanced but maybe will help in some small way.

    Firstly I like the idea of increasing the stat caps to 300 over the current 250 without increasing the available stat points unless the level cap is increased.

    Strength: Increases melee damage, Increases melee chance to hit and an additional bonus similar to how dex gets initiative & int gets MP
    "So that player is running around with a really big sword ? Must have high strength then." Easy to predict effects on the character.
    5% more accurate with melee weapons then expected or 5% more likely to lucky strike with melee weapons - not per point but total bonus at max str - as an example of the extra bonus.

    Dexterity: Increase ranged damage, Increase ranged chance to hit and the Bonus to initiative is an interesting idea.
    Does exactly what you would expect for the most part if you have played or read about an RPG before. The bonus to initiative is an interesting idea as already mentioned.

    Intelligence: Increase magic damage, Increase magic chance to hit, Increased max MP.
    Ideally the max MP would be equal to the max HP but with the plan to go with generally shorter battles and multiple ways to recover MP that not really a problem.

    Endurance: Increased max HP up to +100% at maximum.
    The stat does one thing and does it well ... does not mean it's the best use of stat points unless determined to make the character as tanky as possible and willing to sacrifice elsewhere to do so or for use with health drain for more damage equipment (less risky to use but still need the MP and/or SP to do it).

    Charisma: Increased pet damage, Increased pet chance to hit, Increased pet chance to attack, Increased guest damage, Increased guest chance to hit, Increased guest chance to attack.
    No surprises here - boosts pets and guests if you want to use them seriously.

    Luck: Bonus to all damage, Bonus to all chance to hit, Bonus to initiative, Increased chance to dodge / dodge attacks, Lucky strike chance, Lucky strike damage, Lucky strike bonus to hit.
    Bonus to everything with the unique addition to do lucky strikes for intentionally more damage then normal.

    So from that the options would be:

    Want to focus on one damage type ?
    Pick one: Str / Dex / Int / Cha then Luc & One other stat

    Want to go hybrid ?
    Pick two: Str / Dex / Int / Cha then one other stat

    Want to be as tanky as possible ?
    Endurance & luck then one other stat

    Kilvakar -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (4/15/2020 22:18:43)

    I agree, it should be simple. The three stat system shouldn't be hard to do. What's holding it back right now is the fact that they abruptly changed the stats, balanced the game around the new stat levels (especially for mages, who HAVE to have 300 INT to be able to use spells normally), but DEX is still a mandatory stat for pretty much every build. It does more than pretty much every other stat, as it's the main stat for chance to dodge, but also a significant factor in chance to hit. If they based melee, ranged and magic weapons off STR, DEX and INT respectively, that would take care of most of the problem right there. The just like you said, CHA for pets/guests, END for health/tankiness, and LUK stays as a minor boost for everything.

    Under the current setup, only pure builds are able to function at full strength. Hybrids and beastmasters have been hit hard, and aren't all that fun to play anymore. I don't know why they announced this project over a year ago and then completely forgot about it, seemingly.

    zfloydz -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (4/15/2020 22:59:57)

    I changed my build from a very strong hybrid to a powerful mage. Even though it took a while to change over, I am glad I did. The vampire mesmerize effect is very useful in certain situations. I sure am glad I collected some of the better spells along the way to make this transition to a mage more agreeable.

    ruleandrew -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (4/21/2020 2:19:08)

    Currently Endurance has zero benefits per turn (April 2020 status). Endurance really need some benefits per turn (say player health points regenerate at the start of player turn). Regenerated health points amount is 1% of player current maximum health pool.

    I know Dexterity, Charisma and Luck provide some benefits per turn.

    On average Strength provide y amount of benefits per turn.

    On average Intelligence provide x amount of benefits per turn.

    battlesiege15 -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (4/21/2020 19:14:24)

    It would be nice if END got a little effect similar to maybe LUK such as having a 10% chance for damage reduction based on current END. END just gives HP, so it would give END more flavor based just +X HP and I guess bonus for saves. It would make more sense thematically than maybe just HP regen because you'er training to survive longer thus it would also mean trying to harden your body against damage,not just more vitality.

    Hopefully there will be some changes soon. My Beastwarrior with no Dex is struggling to hit things with his weapons as well as with the pets and guests since they take DEX into account.

    As for CHA, would it be possible to consider giving Guests a chance at LS too? I have had it explained many times why guests don't get LS strikes but I feel like they should to have CHA users fully on par in terms of Melee damage.

    Maybe all guests get their own 'static' LS chance regardless of CHA since they are just NPCs who have joined you and their own entities, not necessarily people who you personally have trained/used your CHA to boost their potential. Of course, I'd expect that LS damage to be less than compared to a LUK-invested Pet*1.5 due to this.

    Darches -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (5/18/2020 3:55:43)

    Max endurance doubles your combat capability (before cutting out other stats), fuels Essence Orb, improves potions, and powers up some weird spells. It's not bad, just not meta.
    I quote myself from Discord:


    They should just stop segregating melee from ranged weapons (except bows etc.). If the game's mechanics must lead to just a few optimal builds, then they should be noticeably different (sub builds). DEX in particular is the most boring stat since everyone maxes it anyway. FO/FD Warriors/Rangers have identical stats.

    Technically spears are melee weapons, are they not? Rangers use ranged weapons like bows and guns.
    It's just melee in disguise. Prior to spamming Dunamis I used swords and spears interchangeably.
    Magnablade is extended melee. I'm surprised it wasn't nerfed like Zealot's Wrath...

    Make spears half 'n' half (melee/ranged). Combine Dunamis and Thernda, and refund Z tokens I guess.

    Kilvakar -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (6/16/2020 19:09:18)

    Maybe with the Paladin revamp coming out soon we'll be able to see the stat problem looked at once that's been implemented?

    One can only hope. The stat change was not needed and didn't add anything to the game other than nerfing non-pure builds. If they really think they need to change the way the stat system works then we should at least get some news on if they plan to finish what they started any time soon...

    Zoulexchanger -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (6/16/2020 22:35:33)

    The stats are fine imo, I wont complain and looking forward to the paladin release

    Macho Man -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (7/2/2020 22:32:53)

    I really want this balance project to go through. Playing as a beastmaster this update really kicked me when I was already down. The meta was already favouring nuke mages and updates came to bosses to compensate for that and we poor BM had to endure that too. Then the stat update happened last year and I had to add 50 more into the same stat even though as a CHA user my stats are already spread out to 4 different ones. I would really like DEX to just be removed from the equation all together but I know I'm ignorant on the balancing and know there are much smarter people out there haha.

    One thing that I wanted to mention (and to make this post meaningful) is a change for CHA, specifically call guests. So if a mage invests in INT they get the mp pool that can dish out 200% damage spells. Warriors could do the same with SP and dish out the same 200% (with STR and max DEX for full blocking/bth). But for CHA users you have to invest into CHA but not get another pool to get that extra damage. Sure you get pets but iirc warriors get 20% already out of the 40% you get with maxed CHA but the other 60% is through SP guests. I just find it hard to manage my SP with my guests and miscs and any spells/skills I have at my disposal. I was wondering if the more CHA you have, the cheaper the call summons can be. I might just be not getting something but I'm wondering if this is balanced. Just want some love lol.

    J9408 -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (7/3/2020 9:24:25)


    I was wondering if the more CHA you have, the cheaper the call summons can be.

    That sounds like a interesting idea! Great for those who specialize CHA completely.

    Primate Murder -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (7/3/2020 10:28:19)

    @ above

    Not a bad idea per se, but the guest upkeep already presumes 0 Cha. At 250 Cha, you deal 60% melee damage by paying ~22% melee sp.

    Kilvakar -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (8/6/2020 18:27:05)

    Does anyone know if this is still being worked on? I'll never lose my love for this game, but tbh the stats still being the way they are now has killed my motivation to play currently :(

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