make all mana related move unblockable/defectable (Full Version)

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dfo99 -> make all mana related move unblockable/defectable (4/7/2019 19:34:02)

now that mana generally became limited and heal loops harder, a block or deflect usually result in the lost of the match, at least you show not waste you mana on that..

ForsakenDemon -> RE: make all mana related move unblockable/defectable (4/8/2019 10:48:18)

But won't this make tank mages and tank mercenaries hella strong? Seeing as they will now be able to deflect plasma cannon, multi-attacks, any stun, and even their own skills.

I don't this is needed.

NDB -> RE: make all mana related move unblockable/defectable (4/8/2019 10:52:32)

I think he means unblockable and undefectable, for the ones that aren't already. If Static Smash and Static Grenade were nerfed hard or removed, then yeah, this would make things more fair since skills would become proportionally much more costly when energy is not replenishable. I wouldn't want to be a mercenary who spends all my energy on Berzerker just for it to be blocked like in the old days. But maybe not for every last skill.

ForsakenDemon -> RE: make all mana related move unblockable/defectable (4/8/2019 14:15:08)

Oh dang! You're right, I misunderstood the post.

Mother1 -> RE: make all mana related move unblockable/defectable (4/9/2019 15:44:26)

I don't support this in the least.

This is basically nerfing dex builds yet again while once again buffing strength ones and as it stands right now dex builds are already suffering due to how hard strength builds can hit even with high defenses. this would only punish dex builds even more seeing as it is now a lot of these builds only defenses at times is for the hope of a block.

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