Would balance be easier this way? (Full Version)

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Cyber Dream -> Would balance be easier this way? (4/11/2019 20:16:16)

Before I start, im horrible with numbers,math,balance, etc. This may not even make sense or be needed, just a thought I had. What if we stopped using whole numbers and started using percentages as our base along with giving us a minimum and maximum base for certain stats that we cant exceed? These should vary by classes. I think this would give us more room to make more complex, diverse builds.

For example, I'll use Health and the Merc class. Im a merc, our base health is 750 I believe at its minimum, but instead of it saying 750, it'll say 100 percent. If I lost half of that in battle, it'll read 50%(375hp) percent. The amount of damage done would also show at 50%.

Now I don't know if this is a good thing or bad thing because hitting someone with 750 hp with 50% is stronger than hitting someone at 375 for 50%. Vice versa.

Stat points should be coverted into a total percentage that can be used throughout the build until it's depleted. Now when I say precentages, Im not just talking about whole percentages like 1%, 2%, 3%, etc. Im also speaking on 1.001%-1.1%, etc.

Earlier I also said that each class should have their own minimum and maximum base for stats which should vary based on the class roles. For example, A merc is theoretically based on tanking, so a mercs technology,dex, hp, and mana would have a higher base than other classes.

Or just strap classes in general and bring in 1 universal class with percentages and custom skill sets.

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