Difference in weapon damage (Full Version)

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.Lord Ginger. -> Difference in weapon damage (4/13/2019 23:08:40)

This is just a post wondering about the change in weapons or lack thereof.

In Delta the Infernal Slayer (Sword) had a max damage of +36 at level 35.

The Super Mecha Disintegrator (Aux) had a max damage of +39 at level 35.

The Super Mecha Cannon (Gun) had a max damage of 35 at level 35.

Now, at level 40, we're basically the same, with a difference in 10 Aux damage... 10. It's now 40 (400).

You may say, well hey that was delta right....

I also looked up a video in Omega by Nightangel because I thought about this...

Azrael's Bane at level 35 was 36 Damage with 10 10 5, so the stats are a bit different than now
Azrael's Anguish at level 35 was 35 Damage with 8 + 8 + 2 stat points

Azrael's Annihilator at level 35 did 39 damage with +6 +3 +6 stat points

Armor was +10 total with +2 +8 +8

So as you can see, the gun 5 levels later only has 1 more stat point

Aux has 2 more stat points and 1 more damage

Primary has same damage with 3 more stat points

Armor is +12 total with 2 more stat points

So I guess my question is, what happened?

Nothing really got buffed from level 35 to 40, just the scaling, the raw weapon output didn't change at all, this is strange.

Do you think there was a reason they did this? It seems pretty weird to me... this has kind of been around for a while, but it's still weird that it happened, it's like we're all level 35 again just with some legendary points, some stat points and a couple skill tree points.

sippingcider -> RE: Difference in weapon damage (4/23/2019 14:41:00)

Oh that is odd, I think this is why they keep having to nerf defense stats. If our weapons just kept scaling properly having high defense/resistance wouldn't be the issue that it is.

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