Why are tank builds bad again? (Full Version)

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CactusChan -> Why are tank builds bad again? (4/22/2019 17:17:59)

This is coming from a primarily juggernaut player, but it seems to me as if tank builds -- and indeed defense and resistance in general -- are becoming more and more obsolete due to a series of nerfs and new game elements. There are an abundance of skills and cores out there that wreak havoc on even the strongest of defenses, and then there's the April 12th update which severely diminished the effectiveness of dex and tech on defense and resistance past 100 points. I'd like the point out that this latter change completely works against the very idea of a strong defense, as you need well over 100 points at higher levels to have a decent defense at all.

The question is, why the constant attempts to push tank builds out of the game? It seems as if tanks are viewed as objectively bad simply because it's hard to deal damage to them. Isn't that the whole point? Why even have defense and resistance built into the game at all if players can't ramp up their defenses high enough to reduce incoming damage appreciably?

Maybe this change is working for 1v1 and 2v2 players...I can't speak to that since I hardly play those modes, but I've heard some rumblings from people who do. As for juggernaut and boss battles, however, the death of tank builds is a problem. By their very nature, NPCs in EpicDuel have high, prolonged damage output since they are not capable of strategic thinking. This generally means that the lower a player's defenses, the more easily the NPC will be able to win. Obviously this is a problem for juggernaut (as it is now) and especially for bosses. The legendary bosses were already hard enough...why make them nigh impossible?

Feedback is appreciated.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Why are tank builds bad again? (4/22/2019 18:15:49)

Juggernaut isn't a problem to be honest. Having a smart build ensures victory, it's just slower than before.

As for legendary bosses, yeah - they need to be tweaked. I'm alright with the whole lower defense change as long as the bosses are reworked.... Because honestly im missing 80 resistance minimum and that's kinda messed up.

NDB -> RE: Why are tank builds bad again? (4/22/2019 19:08:12)

In general, I am against the idea of wiping tank builds out, but I can see why they made the change. Bringing passives back gave half the classes a whole bunch of free defense, so it was a way to counter that. (Not to mention the permanent +6 cores that were recently added as well.) It seems like every time they inflate our stats, they end up nerfing us in some way. Back in the day, when they added enhancements, they introduced the first set of diminishing returns at 55. Then somewhere along the line when our stats getting too high again as they raised the level cap and started making really good weapons, they added the 85 one. Then, in Omega, when they raised the level cap to 40 and added Ranks, they revamped the entire weapon scaling to be weaker as described in Ginger’s thread: https://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=22359588. They hate making us all more powerful, I guess, under the impression that that might cause more issues down the line with balance. I can’t prove that that was the reason this time, but historically that seemed to have been the case. That’s probably also the reason why they’ve always shied away from adding 6 Focus and such.

(With that said... Normally, I test around a lot on alts after balance changes (since I get harassed if I try to PvP on my main for obvious reasons), but I haven't had the time to do that after the tank nerf, so I don't have a solid opinion on what it actually did for PvP.)

As for NPCs, passive shields and Bloodlust were a humongous buff, so even with the tank nerf Jugg still feels easier than right before passives came back. Legendary bosses were probably the easiest they ever were in history the one week that passives came back before the tank nerf. I haven't tried any after the tank nerf so I'm probably not qualified to say whether they should be changed at this point, but I would say that as long as they are still possible (within reason), that should be fine. I mean, during the time when Legendary Ranks got nerfed right before the ED team disbanded, Dage and Titan were also extremely hard, but it was fine since it was clear that they were still beatable.

sippingcider -> RE: Why are tank builds bad again? (4/23/2019 14:50:03)

For 2v2 at least, tank builds are still the dominant strategy. Cannon builds (strength or support focused) can work, but you need both team members to be a cannon, a cannon on its own can not do enough to kill an enemy fast enough. Since most people in 2v2 are tank builds, its just not smart to do anything besides tank.

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