Buff Omega Override and Omega Yetis? (Full Version)

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.Lord Ginger. -> Buff Omega Override and Omega Yetis? (4/23/2019 21:47:53)

These seem to be underpowered again, especially the yeti.

Even with the +35, it's basically still outclassed by the botanical borg. CHOMP isn't worth it either.

The sword core itself isn't the most useful either even after the buff... no one still uses this.

Maybe give it a +60? I dunno... I feel like an extremely expensive robot should be good, especially when it needs a var only sword to be less subpar.

Same with a sword that has the yeti core locked in it that most people wish they could remove.

sippingcider -> RE: Buff Omega Override and Omega Yetis? (4/23/2019 21:56:54)

omega yeti is + 37, just baby versions are + 35.

I think Override is better than people are giving credit for. I was using it as a merc before april 12th ballance changes and it did great. Since everyone was high tech builds then it was basically a malfunction for merc class.

I havn't tried it post-nerf, perhaps if people don't stack stats as much it won't be as good, but I think people should be using it more than they are.

NDB -> RE: Buff Omega Override and Omega Yetis? (4/23/2019 22:34:29)

Chomp should be 100% like Kartherax, but I doubt they would do that since they are currently tiered for the different Yeti variants. I definitely agree that the +35 should be increased. Omega weapons feel very underwhelming with that core locked onto it since most people don't use Omega Yeti in their build, so it should at least be good for the people who do.


sippingcider -> RE: Buff Omega Override and Omega Yetis? (4/24/2019 14:45:41)



Heh lots of shorthand going on there. What I really should say is:

Omega Yeti has + 170 base damage, just baby versions do + 150.

When you add 5 focus bonus the damage (without tech bonus) is 370 for Omega Yeti's. To make things easier I like to think of terms in old epicduel stats so I divide by 10 to get that +37.

NDB -> RE: Buff Omega Override and Omega Yetis? (4/24/2019 16:50:04)

Huh... I had thought every bot in the game was +170. I didn't even notice that the Baby and Warrior versions were weaker. I know that in the past they were, and back then other bots also did different damages, but somewhere along the line in Omega I thought that they made all bots +170, but I guess they left those alone. Honestly, I'm not sure why they can't bring that back for all bots. I get it if they aren't going to bring back unique weapon stats, but I feel like there's no reason why they can't do it for bots, since they are more like Skill Cores than actual pieces of equipment. I feel like making certain bots have stronger or weaker base damage would be an extremely effective and easy way to help balance them.

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