PyroFly doesn't work correctly (Full Version)

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sippingcider -> PyroFly doesn't work correctly (4/23/2019 22:10:49)

In a 2v2 game I had this skill tree for merc:


And an opponent used their pyrofly special on me. It disabled Intimidate (the bold number in the skill tree above). Pyro fly reads it disables one of opponent's 4 highest skills. My 4 highest skills were: Hybrid Armor (9), Bunker Buster (7), Adrenaline(9), Static Smash(10). My guess is that with passive update it doesn't consider the passive skills when determining 4 highest skills to disable. If this is intended, I suggest buffing pyrofly since it is now a lot weaker due to passive returns.

Moved to balance since it isn't a bug. ~WhiteTiger

NDB -> RE: PyroFly doesn't work correctly (4/23/2019 22:30:47)

You're correct. When Pyrofly first came out, it couldn't take passives. I agree that it should be buffed back to top 3. In 90% of cases now, the top 4 will include every single skill on the opponent's skill tree (all tied for level 1) which feels too random.

asterw100000 -> RE: PyroFly doesn't work correctly (4/24/2019 8:56:30)

Pyro fly disable the movement for the entire match. I was thinking it need a nerf instead, make it for 4 turns :)

Pyro fly too OP

RaXZerGamingZ -> RE: PyroFly doesn't work correctly (4/24/2019 20:05:47)

pyro shouldn't exist, no need to buff it

sippingcider -> RE: PyroFly doesn't work correctly (4/25/2019 12:15:46)

PyroFly certainly was powerful during non-passive era since you could disable the new skills that replaced the passives (which were integral to a lot of builds). Now, it is a bit different. You can still disable static smash, static charge, and static grenade, which can cripple merc, bounty hunter, and cyber hunter. Blood mage, tech mage, and tactical merc, however, do not have any abilities that are so far above and beyond the rest that can be disabled, so the pyrofly doesn't do much against them. Maybe it is best we wait and see how NW finishes ballancing things with passive returns to see how powerful PyroFly is.

Mother1 -> RE: PyroFly doesn't work correctly (4/26/2019 18:09:58)


Blood mage has energy parasite that can be disabled and Tech mage has assimilation which can also be disabled which in turn will hurt TM. In fact Pyro fly's ability can hinder almost any build if it does indeed hit the right move which was the original purpose of this bot.

sippingcider -> RE: PyroFly doesn't work correctly (4/27/2019 11:27:41)


Blood mage has energy parasite that can be disabled and Tech mage has assimilation which can also be disabled which in turn will hurt TM. In fact Pyro fly's ability can hinder almost any build if it does indeed hit the right move which was the original purpose of this bot.

Assimilation and energy parasite are not THAT powerful though, not as crippling as one of the other classes losing their energy skill. Assimilation is only like a 220 energy point swing, whereas static smash is around 500 energy point swing. The Tech-mage is hurt by losing assimilation, but not nearly as hurt as a merc losing static smash or a bounty hunter losing static grenade.

Mother1 -> RE: PyroFly doesn't work correctly (4/27/2019 16:07:17)

@ sippingcider

If I am in a situation where I need to drain energy just to drain to stop my opponent from using either Heal or an attack that could cripple me/KO me then I am just as hurt as a merc who has lost it's static smash. Especially if I have no energy draining cores left due to using them.

I am guessing you chain of thought is along the lines of getting back energy rather than just draining it.

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