Just started, having a real hard time. (Full Version)

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Galactic Assassin X -> Just started, having a real hard time. (5/7/2019 6:59:43)

I've heard that my class - BH - isn't that good without certain skills and until level 20, but like... My main issue right now is all of these quests that require me to find another player...and beat them. When all the players I see are level 40 and I'm currently level 7. This means there are many quest chains I simply cannot get through.

Foulman -> RE: Just started, having a real hard time. (5/7/2019 7:54:57)

protip: make a new account and beat that noob account

Galactic Assassin X -> RE: Just started, having a real hard time. (5/7/2019 9:20:51)

I feel like that'd be cheating. I'd rather actually earn the win. For now the main thing I can try to do is figure out which missions don't need me to click on another player, challenge them, and win, and do those until I reach 40. But I don't know which missions those are.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Just started, having a real hard time. (5/7/2019 10:00:14)

Most people do what foulman said to be honest... At level 40 people still hardly accept challenges so it would still take forever

8x -> RE: Just started, having a real hard time. (5/7/2019 13:52:19)

Here is the list of missions that require you to challenge a player, you can try to avoid them for now: http://epicduelwiki.com/w/Category:Challenge_Player_Missions

Galactic Assassin X -> RE: Just started, having a real hard time. (5/10/2019 12:08:03)

Thanks for the help! I'll cross-reference the quest pages to pick the right order.

orkorac -> RE: Just started, having a real hard time. (5/16/2019 7:32:47)

Missions completable without any requirements, besides the lvl, in order.

Talia: Antimatter_(Mission)
lvl1 Seth Juron: Taken 500
Lvl1 Habuki: Sparring_Lesson 500
lvl1 Brunson: Appetizers 250
lvl1 Brunson: Soup_and_Salad 250
lvl1 Brunson: Dessert 150
lvl1 Torgan: Nostalgia 750
lvl1 Torgan: Berry_Holidays 750
lvl1 Torgan: Tin_Soldiers 1000
lvl1 Torgan: Tidings_of_Fighting
lvl1 Torgan: The_Zest_of_Life
lvl1 Lepus: Bunny_Bribe 250
lvl1 Brach: Rabbit_Rocket_Science 750
lvl1 Cotton: Artificial_Sweetener 350
Lvl1 Ismael: The Hunt Begins 750
lvl1 Exile Leader: Minesweeper 500
Lvl1 Hank: Trashville 300
lvl1 Hank: Helter_Smelter 300
lvl1 Hank: Thirsty_Hank
Lvl1 Exile Soldier: Fire_Night 625
lvl1 Naomi: Purify 125
lvl1 Junker2: Rusted_Joints 350
lvl1 Valencia: Boost_Juice 250
Lvl1 Overlord: Rigor_Mortis 600
lvl1 Naomi: The_Justice_Bringer 500
lvl1 Cinderella: Spore_Hunt 0
lvl1 Naomi: Keepin_It_Fresh 1000
lvl1 Naomi: Pollen_Power 1500
lvl1 Naomi: For_Fresh_Air! 900
Lvl1 Xral: Cleanup 150
lvl1 Cinderella: Sweet_Teeth 750
lvl1 Junker2: Naptime! 150
lvl1 Valery: Restock -1500
Lvl1 Valery: Golden_Gun_Gal 2500
lvl1 Murdoc: Change_in_Command
lvl1 Steve2: Fighting_for_Fabulous
lvl1 Steve2: Fashion_Forward
lvl1 Raymus: Ineptitude_and_Iniquities
Lvl3 Zedmyr: The_Unusual_Suspects 1750
Lvl5 Hank: Hanks_Revenger 600
lvl5 Hank: Trash_Train 400
lvl5 Tamaril: Positive_Enforcement 400
lvl5 Tamaril: Precious_Data 1000
lvl5 Hank: I’ve_Got_the_Power 0
lvl5 Hank: Fortune_City_Soldier ARMOR
lvl5 Habuki: Unsatisfactory 310
lvl5 Conductor: Point_A_to_Point_B 275
lvl5 Alexis: The_Early_Bird
lvl5 Ismael: The_Nuclear_Option
lvl5 Tuna: Passer_In_the_Storm
lvl5 Tuna: The_Horror_in_the_Eyes
lvl5 Tuna: The_White_Ship
lvl5 Cinderella: The_Horror_in_the_Water
lvl5 Titan: Cosmic_Connections
lvl5 Charfade: The_Doom_Came_to_Charfade

Lvl10 Habuki: Sparring_Lessons 500
lvl10 Exile: Stick_It_to_the_Man
Lvl10 Nega: Seven Deadlies
lvl10 Marauder: BORED!
lvl10 Nega: EVP
Lvl 10 Ismael: Dead_Men_Tell_No_Tales 1250
lvl10 Ismael: Happy_Oyster! 500
lvl10 Tuna: Recruitment_Drive
lvl10 Ismael: Dead_Mans_Chest
lvl10 Ismael: Locksmith!_Locksmith!
lvl10 Nega: Lost_Son
lvl10 Admin12: Lifetime_Memories
lvl10 Admin12: I_Doubt_They’re_Friendly
lvl10 Admin12: Vanquish_the_Void

lvl13 Torgan: Costumed_Krampus
lvl15 Raymus: Soldiers_Test
xlvl15 Titan: Unruly_Crisis
xlvl15 Fenris: War_Wounds 500
lvl15 Murdoc: Left_For_Dead 500
xlvl15 Titan: Corrupted_Beasts 0
xlvl15 Torgan: Food_For_Thought 500
xlvl15 Titan: Hunter_and_the_Prey 1000
xlvl15 Torgan: Yeti_Encounter 1000
xlvl15 Torgan: Lies_and_Deceit
xlvl15 Titan: Juloffenblotten_Truce 0
lvl18 Lawman: Law_Giver

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