CactusHumper -> RE: BUFF INFERNAL ANDROID (7/2/2019 13:53:46)
Is this still being considered? I used to love using Infernal Android but the current meta robots seem to just overshine Infernal Android by a wide margin. Many 5 focus builds are not picking this simply because there are better choices available such as Botanical Hazard, Kartherax's Darkspawn and Blood Hawk. As for the Plasma Fly, I would have to disagree with Plasma Fly definitively outshining Infernal Android, as NDB said, they both need a buff if anything and are pretty underwhelming. Even if as Mother1 pointed out, Plasma Fly's regular hit is scaling and can be used repeatedly unlike Infernal Androids move which can only be used once per battle, if we're being realistic here, people are going to use Plasma Fly's regular attack maybe 2 times per battle, 3 stretching it. I think Lord Gingers suggestion of bringing it back to 120% and going up 5% each turn from initial 85% is a fine suggestion (125% at 9 does seem to be overkill, flashbacks to when every 5 focus basically HAD to have Infernal Android to remain competitive)