Passive Armors and other things to help balance out ED/Non-tank builds (Full Version)

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.Lord Ginger. -> Passive Armors and other things to help balance out ED/Non-tank builds (6/18/2019 20:51:35)

The passive armors should be moved back to their flat values that they had before passives were taken away.

This way: You don't have to be a tank to benefit from these passives. (Let's face it, the skills, passive or not, are mandatory no matter what, might as well make strength builds that used to benefit from them, benefit from them again).

This would mean:

+60 Def
+50 Res

+110 Res

+110 Def

With this change, the armors will be maybe a tad worse for tanks? But can help benefit Merc, CH, TLM.

Next Change: Deadly Aim
Used to be +100 on level 8. To balance out the armors defense/resistance, have deadly aim start at +20, then go to +110 so it can help counter the armors a tad (it's 70 right to help balance with Azrael's Punisher, but that's not how we should balance)

Changes that can help benefit other builds that aren't Tank:

Debuffs need a nerf. It is way too beneficial to have a -4x on a level 1 smoke, and then start blocking strength builds like crazy. I remember 82+33 Tech gave a -41 smoke screen at level 4, and that was all right. Now it's very overpowered and allows for the quick kill (almost mindless) BH focus with Hawk and Infinity Titan Daggers, Azrael's Punisher, and Azrael's Annihilator.

Same with Malfunction. Also, the dex change helped focus, which is good for CH I guess, doesn't help TM one bit, really. Kind of disappointing

It also seems like with the intimidate change, this also hurts strength builds and focus, and it's actually not bad. Should be back to 3 turns.

Now, let's look at the reason that strength died in the first place:

1) Kartherax
2) Primary Damage Nerf
3) Gun to Dex

If we look at the main reason strength is dead right now, it would probably be

1) Kartherax
2) Gun to Dex

To be honest, this change made Dex good for a bit, I know BH dex was running rampant with this first change, before it got shut down.

When that died down, the real people this helped were Focus Builds and some tank builds...
Well, it seems that almost everyone is focus now anyways...


Everyone in the game usually has a pocket Kartherax, and even with 2 turns, it destroys strength builds... 1 Turn would make it utterly useless though

What could help strength come back could be a change back to Guns to Strength, OR make the robot maybe 50% when you use the special? This robot cripples pure strength.

I have my guns to str preference, but a lot of people seem to be against this still.

Strength is only ever a build with a threat when Strength is Spammed, never balanced at all. 50+35 strength used to work, not to say I'm not stuck in the past a bit, but 50+35 strength now is a quality joke.

The difference between now and then?

Robots got a high damage buff, Smoke became fantastic, Kartherax exists, Some shields because ridiculous (defense matrix holy crap), and Intimidate is pretty nice against strength builds to be honest.

Primary did get a buff (but it's like +9 of what it used to be at 50+35, and I believe robots are higher?)

A lot of these cores can make it tough to battle, but I think the primary cores that aren't shards should be buffed in damage. Meteor Shower, Thorn Assault, jack-O-Fire...etc

With support builds right now, it's a rough day... My opponents have more defense, I don't have more defense, because my passive armor doesn't help me, and now BH and BM don't have to apply Mark of Blood anymore, they can just hit me.

I think Artillery may need a buff, that's basically what support builds have.

As for poison, I think 4 turns is a bit unnecessary.
The heal change allows for way more looping which is kind of frustrating, Especially how CH can just loop you to death (I did it earlier to some poor BH soul)

Tech Mage is STILL out of the loop, and what's up with it?

It's not as unique. Sure, CH was unique too when it first started out, and it still is. TM has reroute, so does TLM. TM has assimilation, but now BH and Merc can take the energy back like all the time, that's frustrating.

Reroute is good for TLM, sure, but it has some trouble with keeping energy unlike other classes, same with TM. I think these need a better way to get back energy. If a TM loses energy in 2v2, they're just dead because no one is going to strike him and give him energy.


Maybe buff reroute if we're not going to nerf debuffs (but debuffs actually have needed a nerf for a while. A -71 Malf on level 1 was never okay, neither was a -4X smoke)
Buff some skills I guess?

BM has been out of the loop, and that's because of parasite (no surprise there).

Strength BM used to be good with bludgeon, well, that was replaced with Deadly Aim.
I'm happy for deadly aim, but bludgeon? That's rough, should have taken away Overload or Plasma Rain for that...

Nerfing debuffs would help strength builds because the debuffs benefit focus and that's basically what everyone is right now.

Malf back to support? It's not like it benefits dex builds right now... maybe just that CH Dex mass build, but maybe having it on supp is fine.

Sort of off topic:

Still waiting for the energy meta to go away, with the whole Static Grenade/ Static Smash/Parasite kind of stuff. It's just like trading energy moves with little benefits, you have to use them.

I'm fine with NEEDING passives(because we're high enough level to where we basically stat dump stuff anyways), needing energy draining moves on 10 to have a CHANCE? No thanks

Things that should be looked at immediately:

General Poison change from 4-->3 (detrimental if no heal) 2-->3 cd. Basically revert it
Heal 3-->4 (looping is way too much)

Surgical Strike buff

Toxic Grenade change --> -20 poison damage per level (match it with venom)

Deadly Aim --> Max +100

BM --> Bludgeon replaces Overload/Plasma rain, Parasite for now, 3 turns with 15% drain and 1.5x feedback to make viable. 85% Damage if it already isn't, unblockable? Maybe keep fireball mediocre, but bludgeon needs an insert.

TM --> Buff Plasma Bolt/Overload/Plasma Rain (needs more damage for bad energy regen)

Mercs --> Buff Artillery

Debuffs --> Quite a nerf, at least to where mercenaries don't have to assault bot. -30 roughly at level 1 for 135 tech for smoke. Malf needs same nerf in the way for dex (or could move to support for time being? I don't know what to do with this monster, smoke is normally way more useful)

*Note: Current 72 tech gives the same -41 on 4 for smoke that 114 used to give, just a reference to how blown up this skill got due to the lack of wanting to buff static grenade

NDB -> RE: Passive Armors and other things to help balance out ED/Non-tank builds (6/18/2019 23:09:04)

Yeah, passives armors being flat values would immediately allow the classes that have them come up with builds besides Focus.

Deadly Aim definitely needs that buff since it's not great right now and both mage classes are struggling.

Smoke and Malf need a bit of a nerf, but not sure about Intimidate for now. Maybe buff Strength somehow first then go from there. As for Kartherax, yeah, I agree making it 1 turn would make it useless but reducing the damage to 50% could also be bad since it's still a neat bot in non-Strength battles for countering things like Static Smash, Frenzy back when it was still good, and Rage Smoke, and it would be good to keep it that way. Maybe lowering the amount of weapon damage it reduces would be a better idea. Right now it reduces all of the weapon's upgrade damage (a level 40 primary weapon has +240 damage so Kartherax does -240), so it could be changed to 50% of that (-120). And then if Strength skills scaled off the entire primary damage, not just the weapon bonus, than the effect wouldn't be nearly as detrimental to these skills.

Strength to gun could work if no one really cares about Dex. It'd make Strength a lot more interesting, especially since there's a lot of good gun cores. It'd be a pretty drastic change though. Hard to predict what might eventually come of it.

Support skills do need a big buff, 100% if Malf stays Dex and they refuse to change passive armors.

Reroute is indeed a bad skill in 2v2. Without Frenzy, TLM does struggle badly against the steal skills and TM probably needs more energy control too.

I think the Smoke thing is a good example of how they keep making the mistake of buffing a single skill through the roof on the skill tree while nerfing other stuff or refusing to buff. Now they did it with TLM Toxic Grenade. Skill trees need to be more well rounded not where everything is pretty much unviable except one god skill. Mercenaries was (before Surgical nerf)/are the only class with a well rounded skill tree anymore.

Foulman -> RE: Passive Armors and other things to help balance out ED/Non-tank builds (6/19/2019 0:19:04)

+110 armour is about 20 points more than what I have on my focus build. I'd support it, not only because non-tank builds will be able to use it, but also because it would be a slight nerf to Legendary Ranks.

Deadly Aim should be buffed, but Azrael's Punisher does far too much damage for 85 HP.

Smoke is broken, which is why Defense Matrix is so powerful. Back when CH was at the bottom with TM about 6 weeks ago, BH Smoke/Hawk/Azrael Aux was just completely unbeatable. I like the new Poison, because it gives BH a way out of the Physical Weapons + Smoke combo. BH effectively has 2 decent builds now, unlike before. The old Venom Strike simply wasn't a threat before, limiting build diversity and forcing everyone to use the same build. Either change the scaling for Smoke or move it to Support.

Not sure why they nerfed Surgical Strike, I reckon the main problem with Mercs was their old Hybrid Armour.

Malf needs to be a Dex skill for now. The old Support TM/CH basically forced anyone without Bloodlust to use Assault Bot, and worked far too well with Azrael's Punisher/Borg.

TLM/TM/BM all suffer from a lack of decent energy control. TLM/TM in 1v1 just need to have their energy nuked and their HP whittled down by Poison; this tactic has worked for the last 6 weeks and it's only gotten better. BM just can't drain or create energy; it always ends up losing the battle for energy control. These classes either need to function better without energy, or they need to be given better energy control. Buffs to Deadly Aim, Frenzy or general buffs to builds that don't need energy (like Strength) would be the answer to this problem.

I like the new Shadow Arts; now every class has 2 viable passives.

If we were to list the most viable build options for each class, we would have:

CH - EMP focus, Poison focus, Dex Massacre, Tech Tank Poison

BH - Smoke/Hawk/Azrael focus, Poison focus

Merc - Bunker Buster/Surgical Strike focus

TLM - Toxic Grenade focus, maybe Toxic Grenade Dex/Strength


BM - Plasma Cannon focus, Strength

NDB -> RE: Passive Armors and other things to help balance out ED/Non-tank builds (6/19/2019 2:26:06)

^Man, this is completely off-topic to this thread. I suppose you're probably new to using it based on your profile but FYI this ought to be in a thread of your own, otherwise it's hijacking. And probably better suited for Suggestions rather than Balance.

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