Balance and Heal Looping (Full Version)

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Foulman -> Balance and Heal Looping (6/21/2019 1:20:39)

I played a f5 EMP CH with Poison Bot, against a Dex/Tech Poison/Pyrofly CH. My EMP was disabled on the first turn, and I ended up finishing off the match after 85 rounds. 85 rounds is an absolutely ridiculous amount of time for a 1v1 match; should the game really be allowed to continue like this, or will Poison/Heal cooldowns be brought back to their original 4 turns?

And if longer matches (which allow for more Blocks/Deflection/Critical Strike, reducing the effects of 'Luck') are a new feature of Epicduel, will rewards be fixed to reflect this new era of Epicduel?

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Balance and Heal Looping (6/21/2019 1:31:43)

I hope the healing CD is made back to 4, and the poison CD made back to 3. Even though the poison spam is basically the exact same as it used to be since the turns were both subtracted by one, looping is pretty ridiculous with CH.

With the plasma armor and the static delivering like 280 every 3 turns and shadow arts reducing EMP, static grenade, static smash, atom smash, it allows for stupidly long battles like this which shouldn't really happen...

But honestly, if your opponent is a tank build and destroys your energy draining move but they can't do damage, yeah, it'll be a fun time.

EDIT: I think that if static charge doesn’t get nerfed then healing and poison should both have their cooldowns reverted to avoid the nasty looping.

chusen -> RE: Balance and Heal Looping (6/21/2019 2:40:17)

or they could reduce the amount of healing received
maybe make it percentage instead of Flat with the excemption for NPCs since no one want's to see a ultra mega heal xD
1 20%
2 23%
3 26%
4 29%
5 32%
6 35%
7 39%
8 43%
9 46%
10 50%

Then Increase Energy cost for Poison since it is unbelievable low for something that ignores defences and deals tons of damage

Foulman -> RE: Balance and Heal Looping (6/21/2019 3:40:05)

I can see 3 different solutions to heal looping CH.

1. Static Charge 4 turn cooldown
- Allows energy draining moves to fully counter
- CH loses a unique part of its skillset

2. Reduce Static Charge Scaling
- Decreased energy gain means less energy control

3. Revert Heal/Poison cooldowns but keep Poison at 4 turns.

Keep in mind that my opponent only used his EMP once and wasted his energy on Malf/Plasma Grenade. I don't know if it was real balance problems or just a case of tactical shortsightedness.

NDB -> RE: Balance and Heal Looping (6/21/2019 15:24:06)

I'd much rather have heal and poison nerfed. Static Charge was as good as it was for months and CH still wasn't that good a class. If it gets nerfed too bad they'll get clobbered by classes with drain skills, especially BH and Merc, which have always been a nightmare for CH to play against. The 3 turn coodown is there to give them a chance to not to get drained immediately. I would only go as far as making it scale with Support again if it were to be nerfed, then nerf other skills if necessary.

Foulman -> RE: Balance and Heal Looping (6/21/2019 19:25:12)

Well, I guess reduced passive armours could be another solution while preserving field medic for boss fights

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Balance and Heal Looping (6/21/2019 21:07:09)

I don't think that was the way to go, and I don't think that will fix the problem either.

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