Chibi Envy (Full Version)

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Jay -> Chibi Envy (7/6/2019 1:56:02)

[image][/image]Chibi Envy
A tiny Envy to keep you company in battle. Don't mind the suspicious way it's eyeing your gear... Proof of victory over the Envy challenge fight.
(No DA Required)

Location: Envy Merges
Price: N/A
Required Items: 5 Fragment of Ethereal Jealousy
Sellback: 0 Dragon Coins

Level: 30
Element: Poison
Stats: None
Resists: All +5

Rarity: 1
Item Type: Cape
Equip Spot: Back
Category: Armor

Other information
  • Chibi Envy floats up and down behind you.


    Also See: Chibi Gluttony, Chibi Greed, Chibi Lust, Chibi Pandora (All Versions), Chibi Pride, Chibi Sloth, Chibi Wrath

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