Soldiers of Sunlight - Recruiting any and all (Full Version)

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Djavulen -> Soldiers of Sunlight - Recruiting any and all (7/14/2019 18:22:28)

The Army of Sunlight is now recruiting!

Join the Soldiers of Sunlight today, a guild focused on rebuilding Aqw by Improving player community!

Why should you Join?
1. We are focused on improving a game, YOU LOVE! We help people with farming, bosses, learning about the game and other tips and tricks that people might not have known before!

2. We have next to no requirements, basically anyone can join,

3. Active discord server made, for any and all to join.

4. The more people you help, the higher you get in the guild!

5. We create a safe space for players to play! If I or any other guild official finds you harassing another member, you will be KICKED from the guild.

6. It’s a social club for the game, where you can talk to other who have similar interests!

How do I join?

It’s simple. There are 3 ways.

1. Leave your game name, level, main class, where you usually are in the game (so I can find and contact you!), and why you want to join.

2. Message me on discord, my discord username is Kriid! Leave all the aforementioned information.

3. If I find you helping someone in the game, I’ll invite you to join the guild!

And if you need to contact me!

1. My game name is Djavul, Level 73 (as of Sat. Jul 14.), Lightmage/Blaze Binder, Usually at nightmare, honor hall or ice storm arena.

2. My discord name is Kriid.


Must be over 13 years old
Must behave yourself appropriately
Must play the game somewhat often

Guild Rankings:
Recruit: Level 1-15
Soldier: Level 16-30
Knight: Level 31-45
Lancer-Brigadier: Level 46-60
Duke of Sunlight: Personal friend of Djavul
Captain: Level 61-75
Commander: Level 76-90
Lord of Sunlight: Commander + Duke requirements

Bleak Frost -> RE: Soldiers of Sunlight - Recruiting any and all (8/18/2019 8:04:29)

Hello my game name is Bleak Frost, I am level 90 and I usually main legion revenant. I can usually be found on artix or galanoth (if artix is full)in battleon or yulgar (or battleunderb if i'm farming). I'd like to join because firstly of the obvious dark souls reference and secondly because I enjoy helping others in the game and would like to associate myself with like-minded individuals.

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