Umazon Battles (Full Version)

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apophis324 -> Umazon Battles (7/28/2019 6:39:30)

So, I managed to beat 1000 battles on the Loyalists side, which I thought pretty awesome of myself. Just for fun I wanted to see what kind of monsters the other side had to fight... and now my Character Page seems to have replaced the 1000 battles I've won on the loyalists side with a reset number of battles on the Rebels side... Did I really mess up and is all my progress gone now? :(

EDIT: Yes, I now realize I spelled Umazen wrong...

Laith -> RE: Umazon Battles (7/28/2019 9:12:25)

I've seen Sir Adric with 960 fights on . After refreshing, he was gone.

No idea if this is a bug, intended behaviour or something else, the only thing I can think of is
trying whether fighting on the loyalist side again will restore your fights.

apophis324 -> RE: Umazon Battles (7/28/2019 14:35:52)

I just tried defeating an enemy on the Loyalist side and... nope. It counts as my first war victory.. This is kinda sour.. I've been doing 100 battles for the last 10 days, even if I didn't have much time to play.. Now there isn't enough time left to re-do that all. And even if it was a bug, my progress has been overwritten now (first with the Rebel side, now with a new set of Loyalist battles), so there's no way for the systems to know if I had actually beaten 1000 enemies (counting multiple enemies in one battle as one enemy)..
Phooey. Oh well.. Who needs that Umazenian blade anyway? I'll polish my Crystelline Edge some more.. Shiny..

Legendary Ash -> RE: Umazon Battles (7/28/2019 14:44:51)

I think it would be a war count display bug on the char page if the war was designed to display one side only, but the game should have the records of both sides since the meter would have gone down if it was otherwise that the count was erased for the previous side.

apophis324 -> RE: Umazon Battles (7/28/2019 15:14:19)

Hmm.. Okay, you have a point there.. but why did it also remove me from the leaderboards then? It probably counts as battles fought, but I don't think they keep track of who has fought those battles with the same counter..

AliceShiki -> RE: Umazon Battles (7/29/2019 3:09:29)

The game only keeps track of one "war" at a time for adventurers, so... Since you changed sides, it basically stopped tracking your previous "war" it and resetted your counter to 0.

No clue why it is like that, but it's been like this for a long time now.

apophis324 -> RE: Umazon Battles (7/29/2019 3:26:23)

Hmm.. When you say 'for adventurers' you mean it's different for Guardians? In any case, this is good to know for future events. Thank you AliceShiki, I will keep that in mind :)

AliceShiki -> RE: Umazon Battles (7/29/2019 22:33:43)

Correct, Guardians can fight in both sides just fine~

apophis324 -> RE: Umazon Battles (7/30/2019 4:04:25)

Ahh, all those Guardian perks ^ u^;

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