Drakel Power Shield (Full Version)

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Semceck -> Drakel Power Shield (8/11/2019 10:39:28)

Hello. I was wondering if the level 135 Drakel Power Shield from Adder shop will be upgraded to level 150? It`s a perfect visual match for cyber assassin armor and forged bolt weapon. Also, wil the Carnafex Visor return in February?Tnx

Legendary Ash -> RE: Drakel Power Shield (8/11/2019 16:28:04)

Drakel Power shield was never intended to have a Lv 150 version, it can be treated as an Adventurer item, a similar shield in art, design and release date is Magnae's Power Shield, a Guardian item that has a Lv 150G version, these shields were level tiered to be in between each other.

Carnafex Visor was an item released around the end of the War of Giants as a promo item to that storyline, it is a rare item that will not return and is not a Feburary AE game GGB crossover item.

AliceShiki -> RE: Drakel Power Shield (8/12/2019 12:15:38)

A bunch of old items were made before the level cap was 150 and as such don't have a level capped version.

Most of those will probably never be updated to get a level 150 version because the amount of time staff has available is kinda limited.

So... Probably not going to see anything bigger than 135, sadly.

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