Should Desert Raider Set be bold? (Full Version)

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Kurtz96 -> Should Desert Raider Set be bold? (8/13/2019 14:13:12)

So on character pages the desert raider set is just in normal text but aren't contest items supposed to be bold? I think the thunder bird set was in bold.

afterlifex -> RE: Should Desert Raider Set be bold? (8/13/2019 14:26:25)

Probably yes, just means it's missing the "rare" tag.

edit: I have gone ahead and mentioned it to the staff.

afterlifex -> RE: Should Desert Raider Set be bold? (8/15/2019 9:48:58)

Update: They aren't/ can't be bolded since they have a ballyhoo shop, if they were they wouldn't be purchasable.

The bold is for "rare" items not contest specifically fyi

edit: i don't think thunder bird has a shop, or at least I wasn't seeing it.

Kurtz96 -> RE: Should Desert Raider Set be bold? (8/15/2019 12:12:57)

If bold is for rare, then shouldn't all the Frostval items be bold since they are not available anymore. And the war rewards which are also unobtainable. Also rare GGB items.

EDIT: where is the shop? I don't see it int he usual ballyhoo place.

afterlifex -> RE: Should Desert Raider Set be bold? (8/15/2019 12:51:45)

It's a tag that needs to be added manual to a LOT of items, it's just what it is.

Shop, might not have been rolled yet(it is a thing however), I will check.

edit: ok shop rolled, it's under the package section

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