Fu-dog or Robocockatrice (Full Version)

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Helmino -> Fu-dog or Robocockatrice (8/14/2019 12:18:57)

which one is better earth pet for beast warrior Fu-dog or Robocockatrice? On paper it seams like Fu-dog because of higher bth (48 vs 45) and it uses CHA as a save, not END. But I saw people say that Dog is bugged (I couldn't find if bug was fixed). So I'm not sure which one I should get.

AliceShiki -> RE: Fu-dog or Robocockatrice (8/14/2019 12:59:46)

Please provide links to the items in question when asking for help, it's a real pain to go search for it ourselves... >.>

Helmino -> RE: Fu-dog or Robocockatrice (8/14/2019 13:21:42)

Done! I added links.

Primate Murder -> RE: Fu-dog or Robocockatrice (8/14/2019 14:00:30)

Fu Dog is significantly better, as it saves against Cha and has a +20 petrification potency. If you're short on pet slots, though, Robocok is a perfectly servicable compression pet.

AliceShiki -> RE: Fu-dog or Robocockatrice (8/14/2019 17:59:02)

Assuming a 130% res mob and that all hits of each pet always connect:

Against a 0 END mob, Robocockatrice has roughly a 39% chance of petrifying the opponent.
Against a 250 END mob, Robocockatrice has roughly 26% chance of petrifying the opponent.

Against a 0 CHA mob (which are 98% of the mobs in the game, mind you), Fu-dog has roughly 32% chance of petrifying the opponent.

Assuming a 130% res mob and that 85% of the pet hits connect:

Against a 0 END mob, Robocockatrice has roughly a 28.1775% chance of petrifying the opponent.
Against a 250 END mob, Robocockatrice has roughly 18.785% chance of petrifying the opponent.

Against a 0 CHA mob (which are 98% of the mobs in the game, mind you), Fu-dog has roughly 27.2% chance of petrifying the opponent.

Considering expected accuracy is the 85%... I'd say Fu-dog is way better~

Helmino -> RE: Fu-dog or Robocockatrice (8/14/2019 19:55:24)

Thanks you both! Than I will get Fu Dog.
Can you please also explain 1 thing about "+20 petrification potency". Does this bonus helps to Dog only or will it also help other guests to petrify monsters too? For example will it also help Sugar Gobbler?

afterlifex -> RE: Fu-dog or Robocockatrice (8/14/2019 20:12:14)

Well it's not just petrify

a passive +20 bonus to all saves against statuses that both immobilise and reduce defences (so Freeze, Petrify, etc).

Any effect you go to use that is in the same family( i.e. freeze, petrify etc.) will get the boost, so yes along with the dog itself any guest, weapon, spell etc. with such an effect gets it.

Helmino -> RE: Fu-dog or Robocockatrice (8/15/2019 6:05:50)

Thank you!

battlesiege15 -> RE: Fu-dog or Robocockatrice (8/16/2019 16:08:43)

I would say Fu-Dog is better unless you need compression. The Wind attack isn't all that great on it so there are much better wind pet alternatives.

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