Warrior Scrolls for Mages (Full Version)

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roobee -> Warrior Scrolls for Mages (8/20/2019 23:41:35)

Any of the warrior scrolls worth getting for a FO Poelala mage?

Sqwall -> RE: Warrior Scrolls for Mages (8/21/2019 1:53:32)

Only if you are using armor skill as nukes. The Energy skill is great because it can change elements of the armor skill.

lolerster -> RE: Warrior Scrolls for Mages (8/21/2019 2:45:54)

Fire Dragon Talon, Thunder Wave Blade and Terro Fist are worth using if you are using weapon based armor skill nukes (e.g. WKZ, HSVV, Taladosian, etc...). Their main purpsoe is to free up armor slots by using up spell slots instead. They can also allow you to use powerful nukes with an element that doesn't normally have such a nuke (e.g. There is no Darkness nuke on the level of WKZ, so using Terror Fist in WKZ will create a stronger nuke than other armors with an actual darkness nuke.

I Overlord I -> RE: Warrior Scrolls for Mages (8/21/2019 4:05:17)

Eh, Terror (the set) and AoS are pretty amazing in their own right. The former is actually even stronger than WKZ with the proper set-up, although you're probably better off with the latter or TF + WKZ in most instances, yeah. Though Wind is the only element that really "needs" a proper nuke now (I imagine most people don't have the $50 package). Unfortunately, I don't think it's covered by the Skill Scrolls.

lolerster -> RE: Warrior Scrolls for Mages (8/21/2019 9:43:17)

Yes, Terror eater has higher damage potential. However, to effectively use it, you need to be a werewolf to snarl stack. OP is a mage and vampires are better in most regards for a FO mage. Furthermore, you will find fear stacking to be impossible or difficult against Bosses with Freedom and high boss saves. Against regular content, Terror Fist is more convenient due to not having to stack fears. It's also saves you a misc slot for not needing to run a fear potence misc.

I Overlord I -> RE: Warrior Scrolls for Mages (8/22/2019 8:48:44)

I mean, I did explicitly state that the TK + WKZ was better in most situations, though my initial post could've been misconstrued as an attack in retrospect. I assure you that it was not, my friend. I was merely making some observations (e.g. AoS' powerful, yet cheap, skill). Nonetheless, my apologies if you took it as such.

lolerster -> RE: Warrior Scrolls for Mages (8/22/2019 10:50:55)

No worries lol. I was just stating my opinion on it.

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