Dragon Strike Guard
«Fire shield. Trigger lowers the damage you take against Dragons/Dragonkin. Mastercraft; has no downtrigger.»
Location: Dragons Gone Wild! 2018
Element: Fire
Type G
Level 5 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 150
PowLvl 5 MC 15 MC 35 MC 55 MC 75 MC 95 MC 115 MC 135 MC 153 MC
Price 35 47 178 1226 9682 77859 627513 5059007 24205166
Sell 17 23 89 613 4841 38929 313756 2529503 12102583
Melee +2 +4 +6 +9 +11 +13 +14 +15 +16
Ranged +0 +2 +4 +7 +9 +11 +13 +14 +14
Magic -2 +0 +2 +4 +8 +8 +10 +11 +11
Fire -3 -7 -14 -19 -21 -23 -24 -25 -26
Triggers against Dragonkin and Dragons:- Fire Dragons: you take -(15/1.4)% damage.
- Other Dragons: you take -(7.5/1.4)% damage.
- Fire Drakel/Dragonkin: you take -(7.5/1.4)% damage.
- Other Drakel/Dragonkin: you take -(5/1.4)% damage.
This shield is used by the soldiers of the Dragon Slayer order! It resists Fire damage and gives enhanced Melee and Ranged defence! It defends well against Dragons and their kin, and is best when defending against a Fire Dragon!
Numbers thanks to Kamui. Trigger and Mastercraft bonus information thanks to Relinfearous. Image and description thanks to Carandor.
June 13, 2018: The shield was released.