Flash. (Full Version)

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RKC -> Flash. (8/30/2019 5:42:06)

I just got a message that flash wont be supported anymore next year. What is gonna happen to this game?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Flash. (8/31/2019 15:48:42)

No support for flash means future browser versions won't be compatible with Flash, nothing will happen if you keep the current versions of browsers to play Flash games, it just means there could be security issues that are unresolved when new computing technology arrives.

reneilto56 -> RE: Flash. (9/7/2019 12:40:21)

aqw will run by launcher. launcher does not use flash.

Darches -> RE: Flash. (10/1/2019 2:29:39)

The game will continue working so long as you have Flash. The Artix Game Launcher comes with Flash. It installs at C:\Program Files\Artix Game Launcher\resources\plugins\pepflashplayer.dll

melinalowks -> RE: Flash. (10/1/2019 21:16:30)

One would think that by 2020, we’d have flying cars.

But I would suggest to update your flash if it requires you to, but you could always download the Artix Launcher, in case Flash dies out.

Hopefully this helps :)

Rexobrother -> RE: Flash. (12/1/2019 12:18:34)

Sometime in 2020 they're also supposed to release the mobile port for AQW, they talk more about it here. Things like character data won't get erased and will get transferred so you won't lose any of your hard earned items.

melinalowks -> RE: Flash. (12/2/2019 2:06:21)

This is a possibility, but don't freak out, similar to how Club Penguin offically shutdown, it's possible AQW and other Artix Entertainment games may go on a shutdown (except those who don't run on Flash, like AQW3D for instance), due to decrease of players, and with less players, it means less profit to be made, and as noted, the decline of Flash. Now it makes sense that they would make a game launcher since relying too much on Flash, is like spending a lot of money in stocks when you know the stock market may crash tomorrow.

Now if I can recall correctly, when I was younger, AQW and other Artix Games were what we see as Fortnite or PUBG today, meaning servers were often really packed, much more than today. In those times, early 2010s to be exact, there were often commericals about the game and one I remember the best was the Vampires vs. Werewolves one, and I remember everyone at YMCA wanted to play AQW lol.

Now if Flash dies, it won't be the end of the world, since there's now an Artix Launcher. Now that's innovation, and we'll see what the future has!

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