raylas -> RE: =DF= September 27th Design Notes: Reimagined: Odds & Ends (9/28/2019 23:35:28)
Ah, Verlyrus, just the boxcat I was hoping to see! I wanted to talk to you about Chaosweaver a little bit, since I've been playing with the newest version! [:D] So, regarding the changes to CW..... I found myself using soulthreads a bit more carefully, which isn't saying much, I had already been using this as a sort of "tactical" class, where you use your resources at the right time and set up a really nasty string based on your enemy's abilities. I had already been using it like this, so the changes don't do much to my style of using it..... except for one thing, and that is this: It seems as if the class is better.... paced? What I mean to say is, it feels like it performs better in longer fights now. While it's true that I can usually set up a strategy and kill whatever I'm fighting pretty quick, I can't always do that. Some bosses have patterns, or take time to make vulnerable, so it's nice to have the empowered effects at disposal should I need them. Which I sometimes do, or just want them, you know, quality of life. As for Siphon, Aggression, and Vengeance being useless, not so!! I use those all the time, they're very useful inside of longer quests or fighting durable, evasive, or heal-happy bosses. Rebuke.... I only use that if I've set up a very specific chain of events to dovetail into it, and it usually ends the fight on the spot in those cases, so I don't have any complaints about the cooldown change there. Everything else feels pretty much fine to me, the ability to toggle the empowered effects on and off is really awesome, I love that, please do not take that away!! <3 The only other thing I wanted to ask was regarding soulthreads: When the class proper emerges from it's saltwater hatching pool, do you know if we'll be able to get more than 2 soulthread vials? I think 2 is plenty enough, it has been for me thusfar, I'm just curious. That's all, peace out, and nice work on CW, I've been waiting for it for years, and it has not disappointed, I've not had this much fun with a class since Kathool Adept came out! [:)]