War Undeniable
«Fully Offensive Fire armour. Deals twice as much damage as normal armors, takes half as much damage as any other armor, has very high defenses and elemental resistances. Mastercraft; comes with 3 skills.»
Location: Burning Solstice Finale: The Answer
Element: Fire
Type G
Level 5 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 150
PowLvl 5 MC 15 MC 35 MC 55 MC 75 MC 95 MC 115 MC 135 MC 153 MC
Melee 32 36 41 48 53 58 62 66 71
Ranged 32 36 41 48 53 58 62 66 71
Magic 32 36 41 48 53 58 62 66 71
Fire 92 82 66 52 40 31 24 19 13
Water 92 82 66 52 40 31 24 19 13
Wind 92 82 66 52 40 31 24 19 13
Ice 92 82 66 52 40 31 24 19 13
Earth 92 82 66 52 40 31 24 19 13
Energy 92 82 66 52 40 31 24 19 13
Light 92 82 66 52 40 31 24 19 13
Dark 92 82 66 52 40 31 24 19 13
Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR% 115 145 205 265 325 385 445 505 559
Stat% 133 199 331 463 595 727 859 991 1109.8
BTH 0 1 4 6 9 11 14 16 19
SKILL - Carnage*
Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: Fire
Damage 10-31 19-54 43-126 72-213 116-346 166-494 224-667 279-835 331-993
Stat% 164.99 251.64 472.85 695.38 1003.66 1295.72 1600.54 1846.49 2053.24
BTH 1 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38
NOTE: This is treated as a spell. You can't use the skill if you don't have the listed SP cost for the Melee/Ranged or the Magic attack.
SKILL - Mayhem**
Hits: 4
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage 4-13 8-22 15-44 24-71 35-103 47-139 60-179 75-224 90-269
Stat% 66.5 99.5 165.5 231.5 297.5 363.5 429.5 495.5 555
BTH 1 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38
NOTE: This is treated as a spell. You can't use the skill if you don't have the listed SP cost for the Melee/Ranged or the Magic attack.
SKILL - Panic***
Spends your turn to attempt to make your opponent Afraid† (4 turns, 35.72*[Mob Fire Res]% chance of not acting), costs no SP. The opponent can resist†† with a save at +0 bonus.Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: STR|INT|CHA vs MonsterCHA
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
If the roll uses your INT or CHA (the roll always uses the highest stat among the three, giving priority to STR in ties), then the chance of stopping the opponent from acting is multiplied by *0.75. (This should never occur as the armor sets your stats to be equal, see Effects for details)
You receive Armour Lean x1.25.
All of your attacks and skills deal *2 damage. (Already factored in)
You receive *1/2 damage from all enemy attacks.
If you somehow for any reason take this armor away from the war, your damage multiplier is substituted by *0.1 and your damage reduction is substituted by a *10 damage intake multiplier.
All your stats become as high as your VStat while you use the armor.Vstat 25 60 100 140 180 220 250 250 250
*Let loose the wrath of War and cause Carnage with an intense eruption of elemental Fire! Costs «» SP.
**Cause absolute Mayhem by channeling power through your weapon to unleash a brutal thrashing that follows its element and type! Costs «» SP.
***Inspire Panic in your foes with but one stare as they are faced with the truth of just who they are really facing. Costs no SP, but does consume your turn.
†War's intimidating visage has filled your foe with Fear!
††Your foe is shaken by your stare, but they stand firm.
Neither the usurper nor the impostor could stop you now that the Burning Solstice is fulfilled.
Numbers thanks to In Media Res and Kamui. Image thanks to Lineolata.
Starts off as a standard armour attack:
Level 5 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 150
PowLvl 5 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 153
BR% 115 145 205 265 325 385 445 505 559
Stat% 133 199 331 463 595 727 859 991 1109.8
BTH 0 1 4 6 9 11 14 16 19
With two equally powerful hits, each hit deals *1/2 damage.
Mayhem and Carnage start off as standard skills:
Damage 8-25 15-43 30-88 48-142 69-205 93-277 120-358 150-448 179-537
Stat% 133 199 331 463 595 727 859 991 1110
BTH 1 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38
EleComp 1.24053 1.26451 1.42856 1.50190 1.68682 1.78229 1.86326 1.86326 1.84977
Carnage: Damage is multiplied by the listed elecomp. With two equally powerful hits, each hit deals *1/2 damage.
Mayhem: With four equally powerful hits, each hit deals *1/4 damage.
All of the numbers above are multiplied by *2 due to the armor's built-in double damage multiplier.
All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.
September 27, 2019: The armour was released.