Freezing pet (Full Version)

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xZer0x13 -> Freezing pet (10/17/2019 22:30:59)

So since I can't find any info on Ice Guardian Dragon Jr (search function is basically broken), I'll ask here whether it's better/worse than Diamond Flutterby for freezing attempts? I know IGD is one attempt per battle, but that's all that's really needed.

Also, is the Nezujimbo guest worth the 6,618G used in an attempt to freeze? From what I understand, if both hits connect, he has a max of 50% chance of freezing?


Legendary Ash -> RE: Freezing pet (10/17/2019 23:31:41)

At 150 Dex and 50 Luk, Pet/Guest accuracy is at .85-.075 = .775
At Expected monster stats of 200 and 0 Cha
Diamond Flutterby's Freeze chance is .775*25.38*.325 = 6.3925875%
Nezujimbo's Freeze chance is .675*50*.325 = 10.96875%
Basically the gold and Sp upkeep gives an extra 10.96875-6.3925875 = 4.5761625% Freeze chance over Flutterby.

J9408 -> RE: Freezing pet (10/17/2019 23:35:05)

Ice Guardian Dragon Jr. Look at the bottom.

When you use the Search Function make sure to click Aq Encyclopedia or Info Submission.

Time Filter should be "All Topics".

xZer0x13 -> RE: Freezing pet (10/18/2019 2:51:42)

Thanks a lot for the info Ash! Have they given up adding new content to the encyclopedia? Seem everything is in the info subs now just sitting there.

@J9408: I search only the term 'dragon' (without quotes), topics and replies, subject or body, within all topics, top 300 any words; always results in the pop up saying it didn't find anything...

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