Metakirby -> RE: shadow wrapped sepulchure pet (10/19/2019 6:53:30)
The badge in question is likely the Collection Chest badge, which all 10k Collection Chests (and the 5k Hollowborn Chest) has had, so the badge is exclusive to the chest version of the cape, or rather should be. The badge isn't on Alina's Char Page, which generally has all the available Char Page badges, so I have no idea what exactly is going on there and why it hasn't been added yet a week after (or maybe it did and no one checked yet after last night's release). If you re-read the DNs: You will see that the badge is only mentioned in the list of collection chest items, not the list of standalone purchasable items. Although then you have this statement at the very end: quote:
In order to prevent shop abuse, the Golden Collection Chest, Bright Champion Quibble Pet, and ShadowW-Wrapped Sepulchure pets cannot be sold. (Ignoring the weird typo) Which implies that you could in fact "abuse" the sellback on the cape, which would only be relevant if you bought it directly for 500 ACs, which would mean it either has the badge and house item, or way more likely, just the house item.