A question or two about NSoD (Full Version)

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Demi J -> A question or two about NSoD (10/19/2019 8:47:27)

So I'm currently considering starting the farm for NSoD (after getting SDKA) and I noticed it's a merge shop AC item so I have a couple of questions if anybody knows

If I enhance it into the duel wield version from nostalgiaquest, would I be able to buy-back shop the single version and have both in my inventory? (one for wizard enchantment and the other for lucky) or is there a badge in the book of lore associated with owning the sword where I can just re-buy it after I upgrade it to a duel wield version? (like blinding light of destiny)

Haven't been able to find anything about this while searching through the reddit/forums/wiki so forgive me if this is a stupid question, but i'd really rather not have to farm it twice. Thanks in advance

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: A question or two about NSoD (10/19/2019 9:52:16)

If you get the dual wield version, you would be able to buy it back from the buyback. I know because I have done this myself [:)]

AC items that are not misc items will always appear in the buyback shop once they disappear from your bank or inventory.

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