.Lord Ginger. -> RE: gun scale with dexterity (10/28/2019 0:38:41)
I will disagree with guns scaling with dexterity regardless of who makes the thread. I helped push for guns to strength because of the lack of strength builds and the lack of solutions to fix the lack of strength builds. Without Kartherax or Tentacle Prison, I could MAYBE see guns going back to scaling with dexterity. Before, when guns were with dexterity, you could basically argue, "why do I even need strength then, other than to just make my 5 focus build work?", and that's basically the same argument which is presented now. Dexterity as a stat isn't that great, that's just what it is. It's also a problem with energy, but not many people seem to try to change anything about energy. Energy is basically at the base unless you're a support cyber build, that should be fixed. Dexterity is always at a certain amount for requirements, for focus, and occasionally for blocks. Now, the real reason why dex is a useless stat is because of this: People. Hate. Blocks. So what, they want blocks nerfed, you know what that means? Dexterity becomes less important, now (a few) people are like, oh man dex sucks, let's change guns back to dexterity without looking at the problems that were around before guns were changed to strength in the first place. Check the cores that were implemented, balance those. You have Omega Pirate Captain armor, I assume you run a strength build. Why? Because the armor core is fantastic with strength builds. Now, the new class skill for BM also helps, because it's a bludgeon 2.0 that can stun now. Granted it is now blockable. Now if it gets blocked too much, people start complaining because they don't want blocks and now the game is "broken". The past few updates have definitely favored strength Blood Mage specifically, and that's not a gun to strength problem, that's a release problem. You can think I disagree with you, just because it's you, but realize that I'm the one who kept bringing up changing guns to strength and know that my reasons for wanting to keep it that way are completely valid and not spiteful towards you.