Bounty Hunter Question (Full Version)

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WarMachine -> Bounty Hunter Question (10/27/2019 17:13:56)

I have 2 core slots on my character and was wondering what cores I can equip on my character? I tried buying different cores & that didn't work. You can only sell stuff for half the money you paid for them. I am getting tired of paying 6000 for a core that my character can't equip only to get 3000 back. So any help would be greatly appreciated, I just started playing this game a day or 2 ago & so far I like it. What cores can I buy for a bounty hunter?

InFlamed Fury -> RE: Bounty Hunter Question (10/27/2019 18:28:39)

So each peice of gear can have 2 cores, one passive and one active.

All cores can only be equiped to a specific type of gear, for example primary cores can only be equiped to primary weapons, sidearm cores can only be equiped to sidearms etc.

By the sounds of things you may have bought cores for the wrong type of gear. Click this link and it will take you to a page showing you all the cores in the game as well as sort them by what class of gear they can be equiped to. Hopefully this helps.

P.S. All classes can use all cores as cores are universal, some cores are only accessible if you spend real money on the game however.

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