FD beastmage caster vs 100 procs (Full Version)

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Ithious -> FD beastmage caster vs 100 procs (11/2/2019 12:27:06)

I've started a new character and am working on making him a FD beastmage but am torn between being a caster and using tomes or keeping with 100 proc weapons. When I looked through the mage guide here on the forums, the weapons available seemed limited especially for those under lvl 105. I have a couple questions:

1) How do FD caster maintain MP when both their summoned guest and their attacks consume mana? especially since being FD means your fights take more turns.

2) Would there be much of an armor layout difference between a FD caster vs 100 proc? (e.g. is neko still effective as a caster?)

3) What weapons would be best for casters and what are the best available for 100 proc? (my character is currently lvl 56 so several weapons are currently out of reach)

Thanks! [:)]

Primate Murder -> RE: FD beastmage caster vs 100 procs (11/2/2019 13:13:02)

1) Generally through the use of potions or tomes - those have an mp heal. You can also grab the Mind Gauntlet from LTS for quickcast mp heal.

2) Well, you'd probably want Luna neko for rangers and Sol for mages, as Luna only boosts 100-proc attacks. Otherwise, not much difference at all.

3) Fire: Magestave to boost the damage of D-Burst. You can also use the Cerberus tome, though its element is somewhat unreliable.

Water: Healing Branch tome.

Wind: Winds of Time tome.

Ice: Arctic Athame provides the best damage boost to ice spells. Otherwise, make this your no-drop element.

Earth/Light/Harm: Loremaster's Tome. The only compression tome in the game.

Energy: Magestaff or no-drop until you get level 105.

Darkness: Cerberus tome, Blackbones to boost D-Burst damage or Unholy Water to make your foe weaker to status inflictions.

lolerster -> RE: FD beastmage caster vs 100 procs (11/2/2019 16:27:10)

1. You can use SP guests. You are not forced into use MP guests.Tomes also have mana restore item. Z-finity Gauntlet: Mind is currently in the LTS. You can also use Rejuvenating Necklace.

2. If you are using all tomes, then you can spend all of your spell slots on buffs and guests and you would be using Sol Neko as your subrace. If you are using 100% proc weapons, your spell slots need to share buffs, damaging spells and guests.


Spell Tomes:
Fire: Book of Burns
Ice: None. Try one of the Ice magestaff from the Wizard shop or Arctic Athame. Or use your no drop for ice.
Water: Healing Branch
Energy: Lightning Rod
Wind: Winds of Time/Big Dictionary
Earth: Loremaster's Tome
Light: Loremaster's Tome/Paladin's Legacy/Undead Cleric's Arm
Darkness: None. Try using your no drop as Darkness or use Magestaff.
Harm: Loremaster's Tome

100% Proc Weapons:
Fire: Akasha Wand
Ice: Snowflake Wand/Frostval '15 Commemorative Spoon (both Frostval seasonal rares)/Arctic Athame (Not 100% proc, but spellbooster)
Water: Tsunami Pen
Energy: Snugglefest '17 Commemorative Spoon/Balloon Baton (both seasonal rares)
Wind: Feather Buster
Earth: Twilly's Wand/Grenwog '16 Commemorative Spoon (seasonal rare)
Light: Zardwarts Dragon-Frill Wand/Bloodstained Morningstar Occult Cross
Darkness: Forgotten's Harrowing Totem/Blackbones up to level 85
Harm: Chambered Eternity Love
Utility: Rainbow Raygun

A lot of items have lower level variants. If your level is too low for those, then I suggest just going with the Magestaves in the Wizard shop.

Ryu Draco -> RE: FD beastmage caster vs 100 procs (11/3/2019 19:19:54)

Technically while it's not exactly a Tome, the Frigid Zorbak Doll Misc could be considered a pseudo-Tome, in the sense that it's a Spell that doesn't have to take a Spell slot.

Ithious -> RE: FD beastmage caster vs 100 procs (11/4/2019 8:52:49)

This is all extremely helpful. Two follow up questions:

1) lolerster - you mentioned I could use Sp instead of MP guests. Is there a benefit to using MP over SP guests? If you are using mana for spells, it seems more logical to use SP guests.

2) What MP guests are worth getting? I've looked through a few character advice threads already for answers but would like other opinions as well.

lolerster -> RE: FD beastmage caster vs 100 procs (11/4/2019 11:21:58)

There are no particular advantages or disadvantages with using SP/MP guests. They just use different resources.

As for MP-only guests, the ones that come to mind are Summon Gaiden and the guests summones by the Zardwart wand if youbplan to use that over Morningstar Cross (as it saves a guest slot). Summon Gaiden compresses healing, but keep in mind that we have an earth ans energy version of Call Twilly (SP guests) that also compresses healing.

Primate Murder -> RE: FD beastmage caster vs 100 procs (11/4/2019 13:24:06)

There are two unique mp guests that have no sp-costing counterparts:

- Doomquake Minions allows you to summon two earth guests at the same time, dealing 2x damage for 2x upkeep.

- Memet (same post, scroll down) is the only harm guest in the game.

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