Thorn Replica boosting damage additive or multiplicative? (Full Version)

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Kurtz96 -> Thorn Replica boosting damage additive or multiplicative? (11/16/2019 0:24:54)

The thorn replica says that is gives extra 5% crit damage. So does it increase the crit modifier to 180% or does it just add 5% damage to a critical hit?
Like if I did 1 hit of 100 damage and it is critical:

100 x 180% = 180 damage
(100 x 175%) + (100 x 175%) x 0.05 = 175 + 8.75 = 183.75

Jay -> RE: Thorn Replica boosting damage additive or multiplicative? (11/16/2019 7:09:13)

Crit damage multiplier is calculated additively, not multiplicatively, thus your first example is most accurate; Crit damage multiplier is also modified by +(INT/10)%, so if you use a class with a base Crit damage multiplier of 175%, had 200 INT, and the Thorn Replica weapon equipped or shown, your Crit damage multiplier would be 175 + 20 + 5 = 200%.

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