Primate Murder -> RE: Time for an Update! (11/18/2019 23:58:47)
Welcome back! The hybrid build is still very much viable - as you've noticed, it even got it's own subrace! I highly suggest you check out the new AQ Wiki. It's got all the meta equipment, discusses the best rewards from each week's release, compares the power of different skills and even has a guide listing the most meta strategies in the game. Admittedly, the main meta remained the same for the past few years - stun-lock the monster, then crush it with elecomped nukes. Weapons I would suggest switching your no-drop element to energy, as we lack any exceptional weapons or shields for that element. Most FO builds prefer to align their Awe special to PWD. Blazing sword, Long Talon and Horo Show remain your best choices for fire, wind and ice elements. For water, Kindred Sword can be charged to autohit without any loss of damage. If you have a Rare GGB, you can get a water Bloodzerker sword. Terra Bloodzerker Blade in Rare GGBs is an earth clone of the Blazing sword. If you lack a Rare, the Werepyre Blade allows you to use Str/Int in place of Dex even outside werepyre armors, and deals bonus damage when in werepyre armors. A win/win! For light, I would suggest either Zabura's Hammer or Enchanted Morningstar Cross, as both have compressed skills which can be used with Bloodzerker or Werepyre Beast Form for increased damage. Morningstar has a stronger skill, but it's 100-proc, meaning it will do less damage on normal attacks. For darkness, a werepyre blade is probably your best choice. Armors Your werepyre no-drop covers earth and darkness elements. Pyromancer Bloodmage is still one of the top fire armors in the game,so you might as well make use of it. Alternatively, there's Blazing Bloodzerker from UR GGB deals bonus damage for hp cost, and has a 2x fire damage toggle that pairs nicely with Zabura/Cross weapon skills. Finally, the Torontosaurus Rex in LTS has a weapon-based fire skill that deals 1.5x skill damage for 2x cost. Put WKZ and Horo Show back into active inventory - like Moglord and Taladosian, they have old standard skills with op elecomp and can be boosted for 1.5x damage by CIT. Mind you, you'll want to get an accuracy boosting misc to account for loosing Dex and Ironthorn's bth loss. Wind and any extra slots can be covered by elemental werepyre variants. Kindred is worth noting on its own. It's not an exceptional armor for casual questing, but it can be charged beforehand to unleash a 6x damage skill that follows the element of your weapon and can be boosted by CIT. This makes it very good for cheesing bosses, so I suggest keeping it in your storage. Shields Celtic, Stout and CIT are still the best choices for a werepyre build. Keep Pies, as it allows you to make some use of your pets until you get Poelala. Cerberus Ward compresses fire/dark to fit in CIT. As you've got 0 Dex, most earth shields, such as Morningstar or Chimeran would be pretty much useless. The best I can suggest is Tectonic Tower Shield, which reduces damage taken based on % og hp you lost. Scarab Shell has a toggle to reduce monster MRM - which increases the accuracy of all your attacks. Spells Keep Purple Rain for the meta. Eventually, you'll want to get Poelala and Dunamis guests, but as both are URs, it's more of a long term goal. Until then, Essence of Carnage works as a nice f2p booster. Moonwalker's Grace is a quickcast Dex booster, which is pretty nice for any nukes you use outside werepyre armors. D-Burst and Warmaster's Burst deal 1.5x damage, but you can probably do more damage in Beast Form with CIT, so it's up to you whether you want to keep them in active inventory. Sizzler 'Splosion deals less damage, but autohits. Knife to Meat You from the latest Mogloween quest is a 1/battle quickcast earth damage spell. Some other spells that may be worth checking out: - Dragonguard Invocation. UR, but makes your next attack a guaranteed LS. - Burning Question inflicts a burn that also harms monster sp. - Sisters of Mercy can give you an eleshield against all elements for one turn - useful if faced with monster nuke. Pets Poelala should be your first priority should you get a UR. Until then, I would suggest pets with either unique effects or ones that inflict statuses vs monster Cha (usually 0). Underwyrmling is the only pet in the game that can harm monster sp. Kindred pet toggles to provide charges for your Kindred weapon/armor/shield. Fujin pet inflicts DefLoss against monster Cha. Frozen Effigy from the new MC quest has a Freeze toggle combined with Freeze potency. Fu Dog is easily the best earth pet in the game, with anti-Cha petrification toggle and potency - but it's UR. Until you can afford it, Morningstar pet can inflict DefLoss or EleVuln, increasing your damage or accuracy against the monster. PikaZard (paralysis chance against End). When Blarney comes around, you'll want to pick up Lepre-Chan - the only f2p booster in the game. Until then, Fairy Godmother suffices. Model 294 inflicts EleVuln against End. Miscs First of all, get the Essence Orb misc from the guardian tower. Its qc conversion of hp into sp allows you to spam skills, stuns or any other sp-costing effects basically every turn! Pixel Ether, combined with the abovementioned EO, should take care of all your mp needs. Keep Windter Crown as the most versatile damage booster and Elahi Irt for bonuses to bth, Str and Int. I would also recommend checking out the Murderator Gauntlet, which gives +50 Str/Int and a fairly high chance to control the monster. Shadowfeeder's qc celerity makes it the best meta enabler in the game, so worth an active slot. If you plan to sell some of your z-token items, the Time Gauntlet currently in LTS has a 1/battle quickcast guaranteed stun against anything without stun immunity. Otherwise, pick up Love Potion when Snugglefest comes back. Another gauntlet worth checking out is Power. Qc EleVuln increases your damage and stacks with itself. Bell Shell heals a little hp based on the damage you deal. The heal is less than that of CoRS, but Bell Shell doesn't reduce your damage, making it better for FO builds. Hope the info's useful and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!