Luck vs endurance (Full Version)

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child of satan -> Luck vs endurance (11/23/2019 13:44:50)

I am currently working on a tank type build for one of my characters, with strength and dexterity already trained to 250. I am wondering if there is much importance in having luck trained, or if I train endurance up to 250 as well and leave my luck at zero.

Thanks for any advice people can offer.

lolerster -> RE: Luck vs endurance (11/23/2019 14:25:59)

Endurance is considered to be the weakest stat. This includes for fully-defensive builds. Typically, defensive builds goes for Charisma, but if you choose not to, Luck is a superior stat to Endurance.

Legendary Ash -> RE: Luck vs endurance (11/23/2019 15:59:58)

200 End gives 77% more Hp which is double compared to a 200 Mainstat of Str/Int/Cha which gives 38.5% damage and 15% more accuracy.
Its arguably the strongest stat, even when used with Essence orb which has half efficiency in converting Hp to Sp, that makes 77/2 = 38.5% which is comparable to the damage from Mainstat.

Luk is the weakest stat giving only 11.5% damage and 5% more accuracy, but has a role in initiative(going first) that many players view as favorable and being part of the minor save in the majority of status conditions.

However the you may split points between End and Luk given that Lucretia's shop offers Ambush an initiative boosting potion, so that when paired with the Luk value your char has, it is approximately the same or equal the enemies standard initiative of 225 Luk at Lv 150.

child of satan -> RE: Luck vs endurance (11/23/2019 18:55:36)

Thank you both :) can a moderator lock this post? I have the answers I need now :)

We no longer lock posts for questions that have been answered. -Affinity

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