RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (Full Version)

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lolerster -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/14/2019 18:52:36)

That would probably take a looot of work lol.

Aura Knight -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/14/2019 19:36:25)

Customization for combat practice might be a great thing to have if it could be done. The current combat practice trainer doesn't really help with much but if we had more options on how to set his stats, equipment, resists, and any other effects, it could help us test things a lot better.

lolerster -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/15/2019 13:28:39)

Surprised nobody mentioned this, but one thing I would like to see is a rework on the dracopyre subrace. Would be very nice to see an alternative to the current 4 subraces.

On a similar note - a rework on some of the classes - especially Necromancer and Paladin - considering that they are tier 3 classes. It would be very nice to see their power level brought to the level of wizard and assasins, which are useful even in the endgame.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/15/2019 14:56:17)

^ Added, thanks.

Dekoras -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/15/2019 16:02:50)

I've seen other voice opinions on this in other threads. I too, would love to see a dracopyre revamp, as well as an update to all the classes and class armors. I think there's tons of potential with all the unique abilities the classes can offer, and having them be viable at lv 150 would be pretty exciting.

On a side note, I've always hoped the Omega Astramorph will get a of the more unique items in the game and I love the Shearhide form. Show us hybrids some love [:D]

Kurtz96 -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/15/2019 20:58:03)

I'm not sure what is the difference between this thread and the 2020 new years wish thread but one idea I saw on there that I liked was 100% proc awe/ultra guardian weapons.

lolerster -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/15/2019 22:50:39)

Yes, please. 100% proc no-drop.

Aura Knight -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/15/2019 23:25:09)

Yes, Bow of Awe please and thank you.

I Overlord I -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/16/2019 2:39:20)

An in-game encyclopedia would be the best QoL update since the Item Upgrader. Not just for seeing item stats but the look of non-weapon items as well.

lolerster -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/16/2019 9:16:13)

Also Wand of Awe.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/16/2019 12:01:06)


I'm not sure what is the difference between this thread and the 2020 new years wish thread

The difference is:

NEW YEAR (2020) WISH for AQ

JUST FOR FUN. Well...... Who knows?? ARTIX might look at our wish list and begins to think with it tremendously!!!

I decided to put a choice for simplicity since I couldn't create a poll. (1) WISH ONLY PLEASE!!!

This thread is ONLY for wishes and limited time within NEW YEAR (2020), without Votes and not organized.

Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia

Feel free to post your concerns, ideas, wishes, etc including your Vote to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia.

Please list them including some reasons and comments in your first post.
You can edit your first post anytime.
When you edit your first post, please let us know about what you have edited.

If you like the concerns/ideas/wishes/etc from others, please add it/them to your list/post to get more Votes.

Feel free to discuss including some reasons and comments.

I'll collect our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc and put them in my first post including the number of Votes.

The purpose of this thread is to give the staff members a quick view in 1 post/thread
about our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia.

Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia
Feel free to post your concerns, ideas, wishes, etc including your Vote to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia.
If you like the concerns/ideas/wishes/etc from other(s), please add it/them to your list/post to get more Votes.
Feel free to discuss including some reasons and comments.
I'll collect our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc and put them in my first post including the number of Votes.
The purpose of this thread is to give the staff members a quick view in 1 post/thread about
our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia.
  • As you can see, this thread contains more for an unlimited time, organized including Votes.
    In some of my skills, I'm capable of managing and organizing many things.
    I'll do as best as I can to make time to manage and organize many things.
  • The important in this thread is to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia.

    Till here added, thanks.

  • Bow of Awe!!!
  • UltraGuardian 100% Proc
  • Wand of Awe!!!

    AFAIK all Bows and Wands are 100% Proc. Can someone correct me, please? Thanks.

    So, I cannot just add this 100% no-drop alone unless you will correct me? Thanks. :)

    Do you know if there are some Bows and Wands that are not 100% Proc?

    If yes, please provide me a link to the weapons. Thanks in advance.

    Regarding the Drumchuks.

    Broccoli: Why/What do you want to update Drumchuks?
    Do you have any ideas on how and what kind of effect to add to update it?
    Or, you just want to update it from level 147 to level 150.
    And, the MC should be used for something else instead. See the reason below.


    Ghost Chili Drumchuks

  • Click to switch between Ranged* and Melee**. Mastercraft Bonus is switching ability without damage penalty.
  • Only applies to normal attacks with the weapon. Weapon's Special still does Ranged damage.

  • AFAIK the ability to switch between Melee, Ranged, and Magic is FREE.
    So, the MC should be used for something else in this case.

    We need more Votes for the Player's Suggestions. [:)]

    We wish once a month or 3 months or 6 months or even once a year any of the Player's Suggestions would be implemented.

    Feel free to add your own suggestion and/or from other(s) you like/wish to be implemented including a link & your Vote.
    It would be better if you give a comment and/or a reason instead of just +1.

    Feel free to choose a Player suggestion you like/wish to be implemented from the AdventureQuest Suggestions forum.

  • lolerster -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/16/2019 14:58:35)

    Both wands and bows are 100% proc. However, I mentioned wands specifically as there are numerous examples where a bow is made for a set but not a wand. The reverse is also true, but less often.

    I Overlord I -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/16/2019 20:27:19)


    AFAIK all Bows and Wands are 100% Proc.

    Correct. Even bows and wands with "true" specials (usually 20%, like with standard weps) are considered 100% proc. The only exception that immediately comes to mind is that one bow-club from the BM class and that's ancient with weird mechanics.

    joac1144 -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/17/2019 18:17:01)

    I have edited my first post with more votes. @Bu Kek Siansu

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/17/2019 19:32:53)

    ^ Added, thanks.

    zekefreed777 -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/17/2019 20:14:28)

    I like the idea of an in-game pedia. I forget what half of my stuff does sometimes and I have to surf the forums to find out XD

    Deaf of Destiny -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/18/2019 12:50:32)

    Hmmm? AQ team already have a plans to rework on paladin

    LUPUL LUNATIC -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/19/2019 9:12:11)


    Maybe the way to do it is to reduce damage by 25% rather than increasing the SP cost by 25%. I don't know.

    @lolerster: The major point of advertising is Warriors doing *4/3 more damage on normal attacks yet Mages violate this with the increased SP cost which makes the major point invalid.
    I was always on the assumption Mages would deal less than Warriors at all times (even if that means less SP cost see Morningstar Cross) except when casting Spells.
    For me the design was flawed when they opted to increase SP cost rather than reducing it to deal 75% which means no reason to roll a Warrior when Mages deal same/more but also have an entire Mana Pool to use as they please.

    Novyx -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/22/2019 9:49:58)

    +1 to Void Challenge/Takeover changes. Currently the Void Takeover feels like it sits unchanging for too long (fair enough, given the current system of waiting for a new monster to be planned & created). If the void monsters are rotated (weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/more maybe), some of the staleness of the game could be alleviated, as it gives new/returning players something extra to look forward to every so often (new players having access to bosses with unique mechanics, or items missed). This rotation could provide content for older players too, if an item were added to the rewards shop for a boss rotating in (not necessarily every rotation).

    +1 to Dracopyre subrace as well, even through I'm not likely to use it over Werewolf. The Dracopyre race has always been a personal favourite, and there could be an interesting dynamic of choosing between Nightreign and Gracefang (like Sol/Luna Neko) to get slightly different skills.

    Tiny change: I'd love if the fountain (currently a tree) in Battleon would give full SP alongside healing HP/MP. It'd save time going to Combat Practice and spam-clicking Essence Orb, or mindlessly attacking him until the SP bar is full. I'm not sure if this conflicts with the theming behind SP (since you also start with 0 upon logging in).

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/22/2019 12:38:45)

    Until here, added, thanks.

    The Fountain Update .......... 2 <=> It will help you for Full Heal HP/MP/SP
    1. I'd love if the fountain (currently a tree) in Battleon would give full SP alongside healing HP/MP. It'd save time going to Combat Practice and spam-clicking Essence Orb, or mindlessly attacking him until the SP bar is full. I'm not sure if this conflicts with the theming behind SP (since you also start with 0 upon logging in).
    2. An excellent idea. Sure it'd save time. A lot of players would like/wish this to be updated. +1

    Kurtz96 -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/22/2019 14:42:35)

    I think more stuff to do with gold would be cool, especially for end game players. Like paying extra to change stats without a battle or change names without having to die and find twilly.

    Also a permanent home for the warp force cross over.

    Aura Knight -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/22/2019 15:16:02)

    Having the tree or fountain also restore sp to full is a terrible idea that makes any kind of sp regeneration from items, spells, or skills useless. I think it should stay as just a restorative option for our health and mana.

    Spam clicking the essence misc takes so little time that it's hardly an inconvenience. With SP being pretty overpowered, we should at least try to not make it even easier by having a one click full sp restoration method.

    Now, if this restoration had a limit to once a day, fine, that's a bit more fair. But if you want to have endless regeneration to full, I'm against that.

    I Overlord I -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/22/2019 17:46:28)

    Just like now, you wouldn't be able to access the restorative properties of the fountain within quests and wars anyway, so topping up your SP between RAs (which hardly count) isn't any more "broken" than the one-stop HP/MP top-up that is already available. Furthermore, most people fill up their SP bar at CPT at the start of each session anyhow; this is more a QoL update than anything else, really. Nothing wrong with taking countermeasures to avoid carpal tunnel, imo.

    Deaf of Destiny -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/22/2019 18:25:18)

    @Bu Kek Siansu and @joac1144 Btw if you want old items from void challenge, it wont happens because i've been contract with AQ team about pyrobloodmage and they said no it wont bring it back.

    Zoulexchanger -> RE: Our concerns, ideas, wishes, etc to improve AQ in-game & Encyclopedia (12/22/2019 18:40:22)

    @Deaf of Destiny

    Did they give a reason as to why they don't want their playerbase to access the best fire armor in the game? Seems really silly.

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