Field Medic (Full Version)

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.Lord Ginger. -> Field Medic (12/12/2019 17:40:36)

Field medic should increase more with support and also be increased from 25 per level to either 30 or 35. Field medic is widely regarded as a skill that stays on level 1, and it should be able to be useful at higher levels other than just boss fights.

I say for support so that not only are support builds buffed, focus builds can also have a more defensive option against strength builds which may be able to take away shields that the focus users may have.

RaXZerGamingZ -> RE: Field Medic (12/14/2019 18:02:29)

100% agree

The support scaling is bad, support builds get about 30 more hp from Field Medic

The level improvement needs to be better, i've been playing for a few years and 99% of my pvp fights my opponent has a lvl 1 field medic (maybe nerf lvl 1 field medic to encourage increasing it)

NDB -> RE: Field Medic (12/16/2019 15:29:51)

I agree with this. While we're at it, the base value ought to be badly increased because the skill is utterly useless for low level players.

dfo99 -> RE: Field Medic (12/16/2019 16:41:57)

i think heal should be improved by nothing and have it base scale improved.

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