Returning player, can't seem to figure out how to use Werewolf skills... (Full Version)

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Vein -> Returning player, can't seem to figure out how to use Werewolf skills... (12/14/2019 2:45:22)


So I've been off for like 4-5 years, came back last week. Decided to try out Werewolf since it has gotten an overhaul since I last saw it. I see it has a lot of cool abilities like a claw attack and stuff, and there's different levels of armor (wasn't a thing as I recall back in like 2005 or so when I went through the class.) I bought the level 120 Predator of the Night to try it out, and all the skills but Vengeance are greyed out. I thought maybe when the overhaul went down my level got reset, but the Werewolf king said I could restart to level 0-indicating I wasn't level 0, and was also offering a high-end (level 70+) quest. I thought maybe I'm just glitched, so I reset my level and did a few quests, now level 3, but Vengeance is still the only ability active. I can't find anything via google related to bugs with the armor, which leads me to believe there's another step I'm missing, hoping for some help?

Primate Murder -> RE: Returning player, can't seem to figure out how to use Werewolf skills... (12/14/2019 3:44:12)

You need to complete the advanced quest in werewolf lair (the lvl 70+ one) to get access to the abilities of alt-element subrace armors.

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