Dage's Nightmare Paragon (Full Version)

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RaXZerGamingZ -> Dage's Nightmare Paragon (12/15/2019 17:34:44)

I think this armor should have a 100% drop rate, Nightmare Dage is very very difficult, even when max ranks it is still very very hard and not everyone can do it. Me and others have beaten him only to be dissapointed with no armor drop. For how much effort and requirements this boss takes the drop rate should be 100%!!!

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Dage's Nightmare Paragon (12/15/2019 17:55:35)

I think they shouldn't have extended the date a week the first time they brought him out and I also think they shouldn't have brought him back for Christmas, but here we are.

CactusChan -> RE: Dage's Nightmare Paragon (12/15/2019 17:56:11)

I agree with this. Sure the drop rate isn't 2% like it is for Nightmare Charfade's drops, but Nightmare Dage is definitely harder, not to mention that fact that Charfade is permanent and Dage is temporary. Defeating him even once is a huge achievement and I think players who do so should be rewarded in accordance with the difficulty level.

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