Metakirby -> RE: Level cap increased (12/28/2019 19:43:31)
The absolute best is a dedicated group for Warlord Icewing in /Icestormarena, he does 5 digit damage, so you need enough supression + enough DPS for it to be worth it over the "basement" on the same map, with the 6, level 99 Frost Spirits. Basically, if you can get a group going to kill the Warlord within a minute or less (you can kill him upwards of 4-5 times a minute if you got a full room of the right people), it should be superior to any other method of XP farming, otherwise just stick to the Frost Spirits. One thing worth nothing is that you need to pay attention and actually turn in a quest to get the insane XP reward, but it's on the same screen anyways, so you usually just keep the quest box open at all times.