Seasonal items access like Frostval/Gears Games are now? (Full Version)

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Kurtz96 -> Seasonal items access like Frostval/Gears Games are now? (12/29/2019 19:50:56)

Now that the game is not being updated, would it be possible to have a way of accessing the seasonal items? Because of when the game stopped being updated, Frostval and Friday the 13th ended up being permanently available.

I am not asking for perma-rare items, just season ones that always come back every year. So not Zorbos but the Yeti Leader for example.

Obviously not new content but a way to access the past events with pre-existing assets when the time comes around would be nice if the resources/personnel are available. If not, perhaps just a shop with past mecha/items?

I understand this is a major ask so if this has already been answered or is not possible just let me know. Thanks.

Glais -> RE: Seasonal items access like Frostval/Gears Games are now? (2/15/2020 16:21:33)

Oddly, it seems like that was supposed to happen, given the game right now has the Hero's Heart Day decorations, so the timer seems to work.

But the HHD content is completely inaccessible which is pretty bizarre, so it's a purely cosmetic change. Given the state of the game this is unfortunately very unlikely to be fixed.

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