Memory Leak vs Reroute (Full Version)

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RaXZerGamingZ -> Memory Leak vs Reroute (1/2/2020 19:02:02)

This skill is a bit too effective against Reroute, any energy gained by Reroute gets immediately removed by it (and tac merc energy drain costs energy), it's basically an insta loss and there isn't really much you can do about it, even as tech mage with assimilation the cyber's emp grenade takes all the energy away. This isn't with all builds but 2 focus builds vs eachother its very unfair

Legendary Ash -> RE: Memory Leak vs Reroute (1/3/2020 21:01:11)

Cyber Hunter's strength in a pure energy skill drain without a heal is its own weakness, since the other four classes namely Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, Tech Mage, Bloodmage have energy skills that function as both a drain and heal that can take Cyber Hunter's pure energy heal away before its available for the player to use it.

Reroute is fine when paired with another skill that involves Hp or Energy to heal loop that wouldn't be possible otherwise as 30% of a Lv 1 Field Medic assume base Support, 373.4*.3 = 112.02 Tactical 371.8*.3 = 111.54 Tech Mage. Tactical has Frenzy that is worth at least .5*30 = 15 Energy and Tech Mage's Assimilation is 322 Energy.

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