RE: =WPC 2020= Hallowed OOC (Full Version)

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Starflame13 -> RE: =WPC 2020= Hallowed OOC (2/14/2020 2:56:43)

@Necro-Knight - Granted. Your new deadline is Saturday, Feb. 15th at 4:22am ET (Server Time).

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =WPC 2020= Hallowed OOC (2/14/2020 15:15:52)

Post is up! Major collaborating was done with Chewy and Amon. I wish them both the best as this first round closes. They have been a great help!

Oddball -> RE: =WPC 2020= Hallowed OOC (2/15/2020 17:48:41)

Oddball signing on to, humbly, request an extension

Starflame13 -> RE: =WPC 2020= Hallowed OOC (2/15/2020 18:35:20)

@Oddball - Granted! This will put you over the time limit, so you now have until Round 1 ends at 11:59pm ET (server time) TONIGHT to post.

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