=DF= February 28th Design Notes: Book 3: Early Game Reimagined (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> =DF= February 28th Design Notes: Book 3: Early Game Reimagined (2/29/2020 8:32:13)


Disguised Cat

Book 3: Early Game Reimagined

Hey there, heroes!

This month's Reimagined release is here! Are you tired of dialogue updates yet? Never fear, this is final one for a while!


This week, Ash has received his new handsome makeover, Twilly's dialogue has been adjusted, and Cinquefoil now has a new dialogue tree that should help set the scene for new players entering into the Rose-covered world of Book 3.

The Rose Tree quest has also been changed slightly. Magus Hansa doesn't seem to be the type to keep a handwritten diary, so this has been replaced with transcribed correspondance between her and Jaania.

A quest complete button has also been added to the end of the book to prevent backtracking.

Next time, look forward to changes to "The Rose Fortress" and beyond! We're about to get back into quests!

Also, this is the final week this year to participate in Hero's Heart Day. The Heart's Whisper special items along with the Hero's Heart Day Storybook will leave with next week's release.

Also this week, we have a bunch of fixes and changes!

  • Guest stuns are now 100% reliable again, if landed.
  • Sir Leon, Raven, Kara, and Batoro have had their stun durations reduced to 1 turn.
  • The Quest scroll in the Greenguard Alliance Vind Camp has been moved as to not be covered by the player.
  • Fixed an issue where Caitiff in "Calamity" would not properly lose her Shadow Shield stats.
  • Added an Easy option for Cryohem.
  • "To Edelia" now has a new title card after you sail to Azaveyr to better portray the time spent during your looooong journey in a rowboat. (Honestly, you would think with Tomix rowing so much, his arms would've fallen off. Oh, wait...) <-This joke was made by Dove, I accept no responsibility for it.
  • Corrupted Doom Epoch and Underworld Epoch have received unique momentum meters.
  • The Illustrious Helm has been adjusted to better fit the hero's head.
  • KNOWN ISSUE: Underworld Epoch loses its unique graphics when in battle or walking. This will be fixed soon!

And that's all for this week! Don't forget to check in next week for a new Arena at the Edge of Time Challenge update!

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Tags: Verlyrus

TFS -> RE: =DF= February 28th Design Notes: Book 3: Early Game Reimagined (2/29/2020 11:28:19)

redesigned ash looking like an absolute chad

Kurtz96 -> RE: =DF= February 28th Design Notes: Book 3: Early Game Reimagined (2/29/2020 12:52:41)

So is the underworld epoch in its final iteration now? How is it? I've heard some people say it is too similar to eternal epoch and fills the same niche.

DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: =DF= February 28th Design Notes: Book 3: Early Game Reimagined (2/29/2020 13:16:27)


So is the underworld epoch in its final iteration now? How is it? I've heard some people say it is too similar to eternal epoch and fills the same niche.

This is not its final iteration.

Ace Woodlink -> RE: =DF= February 28th Design Notes: Book 3: Early Game Reimagined (3/1/2020 0:47:42)

Thanks for reverting the guest stun nerf, really means a lot to me.

FMan -> RE: =DF= February 28th Design Notes: Book 3: Early Game Reimagined (3/1/2020 3:54:48)

Great release ! Ty for fixing the guests stun!

Kurtz96 -> RE: =DF= February 28th Design Notes: Book 3: Early Game Reimagined (3/1/2020 23:02:09)

Any ideas/hints on what changes might be coming to underworld epoch?

Pelly2500 -> RE: =DF= February 28th Design Notes: Book 3: Early Game Reimagined (3/2/2020 13:09:22)

I'd like to offer my opinion regarding underworld epoch

I feel like timeshift isn't very useful. What I and most other people seem to do when using underworld epoch is to get momentum up to four and keep it there (or higher). This means that timeshift would be very useful if you could use it on the first turn, which you can't. And since U Epoch has no big move that you put all your momentum into there doesn't seem to be much reason to dip below 3 momentum and when you're at three you can just use a boost, hex or combo. I believe that timeshift should do something different.
I could be wrong, feel free to correct me this is just my opinion.

BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: =DF= February 28th Design Notes: Book 3: Early Game Reimagined (3/3/2020 8:33:20)

I pointed it out on the first thread, too, you don't lose momentum all that much and once you get to max there really isn't that many places you could use it. There's Slice and Gunburst but you can always throw in a Triple Combo and Laser Blades between Gunbursts to regenerate the momentum lost. I think there could be more skills that drain momentum out of you to make the gameplay more dynamic bc atm maintaining momentum isn't much of a hassle. I was thinking of perhaps making Fade consume up to 3 momenta like SWoT's shield does and making it a 2 turn shield (or death resistance who knows) so there are repercussions on the offense side of things for using it? Or perhaps changing a few of the skills to apply different effects that make you want to use them as much as possible?

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