Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =AQ= Minor Update to Spirit of <Holiday> Misc Items (3/5/2020 19:50:11)
Thanks Hollow. http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22373581 quote:
Hadn't planned on releasing any other Spirit Miscs after all 8 elements were available, but I'll talk with the team about possible ideas to add 4 more so we have every month covered. quote:
Yes we are going to make Spirit Miscs for every month. quote:
Spirit of Mischief was an idea for a possible variant in April. The next will be Spirit of Rejuvenation for May. Does it mean, you will add more than 4 since we already have the Spirit of Grenwog for April? The purpose was to add 4 more so we have every month covered. Just to make sure, the 4 Spirit of <Holiday> Misc Items we need for January, May, June, August. Would it possible to add a Spirit of <Holiday> Misc Item with *0.5 Harm resistance & *0.5 Void resistance? quote:
to also update the CHA (or LUK) boost given by them to cap at 50 instead of the ~35ish that it was currently at. It also has a slightly higher SP cost to compensate for this, but it's ~65 SP at highest level. Can we get the new Info Subs for stat boost and SPCost? Currently: quote:
Spirit of Grenwog YourLvl 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150
PowLvl 10 23 36 50 64 78 93 108 123 138 153
Water -13% -25.5% -34.5% -41% -44.5% -46% -46% -46% -46.5% -49% -50%
CHA +10 +15 +25 +25 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +35 +35
SPCost 15 28 40 46 50 52 52 52 52 56 57 Or, we just need to update the lvl 150 for +50 (stat) and 65 SPCost?